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jboypacman's Blog - The Fanzine that never was.


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Today at work i got to thinking about my video gaming past for one reason or another and i remembered something i had all but forgotten about.


The Conduit.It was to be a on-line video gaming fanzine created by me and a few of my good friends.


I cant remember all the details of it but i do remember getting some major flack(not are local blogger' lol)over giving Gauntlet for the Sega Genesis a perfect score of 10!


Hey what can i say i must of really liked it at the time.Four-player action,Great graphics and sounds,and a Quest mode must of made it seem like a pile of gold to me.(Hell my copy came with a Multi-Tap so i was really awe-struck).


Dalum my friend who was helping put this thing together did a few reviews(On what i could not tell you now)and a editoral for it.


His now Ex-wife did a review on SNES Bust -A-Move(She loved puzzle games at that time).Which i thought was cool because at that time i really didnt know any females who were game players(Besides my Aunt Julie who played a mean game of Super Mario Bros. and Buster Bros.).


Our friend StormBolter did a few reviews for us as well(Dark Wizard for the Sega CD i think).As well as some PC gaming reviews too.


I think the biggest thing about the Conduit was the fact it was going to be a on-line Fanzine and back when we were going to do this there wasnt really any out there or if they were they were far and in-between and we had never heard of them.


A sample issue(First issue)was done and put up on a BBS or some other on-line outlet and then was lost.No other issues ever happen and after think about this i really dont know why?


I think it could of been something at lest for a short while.Maybe i should get back with my friend Dalum and put one together for old time sake.A one-shot deal so to speak.Nah,i will just let the memory sleep(For now ;) ).







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