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Rambling With Rogmeister - My First Ten DS Games


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Yesterday I received my 10th game for my Nintendo DS. Considering I bought my unit back in 2005, I haven't exactly been splurging on the system but I've been buying more in the last half-year or so and will probably continue to purchase games off and on (I do have one more on order right now). Here's what I have so far in alphabetical order...


1. Animal Crossing: Wild World is the sequal to the GameCube hit. I don't love it as much as I did the original. Maybe I'm just tired of the whole thing.

2. Metroid Prime Hunters is one of my more recent purchases and I haven't really started playing it yet.

3. Metroid Prime Pinball was one of my first 5 games on the other hand and one I enjoy. I would like to see some more traditional pinball games come to the DS, however.

4. New Super Mario Bros. is terrific and one I played pretty much non-stop for a couple of weeks.

5. Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends is one I like a lot but haven't played in awhile. I should get back to it soon. There's a cat version coming out (but not made by Nintendo as I recall) called Purr Pals. I'll pick that up, too, if it gets good reviews.

6. Puyo Pop Fever is the game I got yesterday. I got the GameCube version recently and enjoyed it so much that I decided to pick up this portable version of it.

7. Super Mario 64 DS is another game I need to get back to and play. I really like the Mario games, evidenced by how many I have, both on this and other systems.

8. Super Princess Peach is another game that takes place in the Mario universe.

9. Yoshi's Island DS is yet another. I haven't really played this yet...I hope Baby Mario doesn't bawl like he did in the SNES version...that was so annoying

10. Zoo Keeper was my first puzzle game on the system...I find it interesting that the two puzzle games I have for the DS are so far the only DS games I have made by a company other than Nintendo. I do need to get at least one more puzzle game. I think it's a law that every gamer has to have Tetris....



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