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Flack's Daily Smack - Commodore Motherload!


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While skimming Craig's List this morning, I ran across the following ad:


I am moving and need to sell in two days. Come get it all for $39 in cash. 3 VCRs, 10 Commodore computers, 8 monitors, various printers, some games, Acer scanner, keyboards, cables, some computer books and magazines, floppy disks and floppy organizers, and more. Call John at ... Please do not leave recorded messages.


Quicker than you can say "Commodork" I was on the phone with John, arranging to pick up the stuff at high noon. Of course the minute I hung up the phone, I remembered Susan had a dentist appointment today at noon. What to do? Fortunately I was able to coax (okay, swindle) Johnny into driving to pick up the stuff. I'm not sure either of us had any idea what was in store for us.


After arriving at the seller's house, my first thought was ... wow, that's a lot of stuff. The list of items in the ad did not truly convey just how big the pile of hardware was going to be. My second thought was ... Susan's going to kill me. Money was exchanged, small talk was made, and then we got to loadin'.



Johnny's truck, full o' stuff.



Here's just some of the stuff in the bed.



Susan is going to kill me dead.



As advertised, tons of Commodore hardware.


Some of the stuff is destined for the garbage, some of it will be given away to people who can use it, and some of it will probably live in my garage or gameroom for years to come.



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