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Expiriment: take a Atari lynx with you to school.


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I took my Lynx to school one day (camuflated in a shoe box :P ). Well, It works fine (For a while), When you have a study hall and no work to do. After playing a while, the person next to me started to wonder what i was doing, and I showed him how the game I was playing worked. He gave it back, and started a discussion with me about the Lynx, so it got a little noisy. My teacher told me that I should put the Lynx back in my bagpack.

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I took my Lynx to school one day (camuflated in a shoe box :P ). Well, It works fine (For a while), When you have a study hall and no work to do. After playing a while, the person next to me started to wonder what i was doing, and I showed him how the game I was playing worked. He gave it back, and started a discussion with me about the Lynx, so it got a little noisy. My teacher told me that I should put the Lynx back in my bagpack.



Soooooo.. what did he say about the Lynx?




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I"ve done that with just about everything.


I personally took everything to school from a Microvision, GameBoy, Game.com, GameGear (gee, a lot of portables had game in the name then, right?) and no telling how many handheld tiger thingys.


One of my friends back in 95, a lot of people talked smack about Atari and how it sucked and all and my friend said something about the Jaguar and Doom and they're like "That old thing can't play mario, much less doom" (clearly they didn't keep up with the scene. :lol: and were probably thinking 2600) Well, for show and tell, he took the Jaguar and Doom (among other games) up there, and it totally blew away the SNES and doom some other kid had (I don't know why they had it, Doom was new, maybe they thought it was cool, or maybe my friend dared them to bring it to compare systems, dunno) He said they never did say anything negative about it, and many wanted it, unfortunatley, the only way to get one in these neck of the woods is mail order (it was never caried in stores) so that floated about like a led weight.


Of course, I'm Evicted Er...Graduated now, so uh...I don't get to do that anymore. And this day in age, there's not to many super cool underground systems to impress friends with anyways.

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K now Im starting to feel old, I was taking my gameboy and my lynx to school back in the early 90's.... like 91 or 92... We didnt get in trouble for having them back then, we only got in trouble for walkmen.. the tape players.. probably dont remember those tho, right? lol

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K now Im starting to feel old, I was taking my gameboy and my lynx to school back in the early 90's.... like 91 or 92... We didnt get in trouble for having them back then, we only got in trouble for walkmen.. the tape players.. probably dont remember those tho, right? lol

walkmen thats sooo 80's :rolling: oh I had 5 of them :music:

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K now Im starting to feel old, I was taking my gameboy and my lynx to school back in the early 90's.... like 91 or 92... We didnt get in trouble for having them back then, we only got in trouble for walkmen.. the tape players.. probably dont remember those tho, right? lol

walkmen thats sooo 80's :rolling: oh I had 5 of them :music:


I know that's funny huh! I even had one of those sony yellow "waterproof" ones! :cool:

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I brought a Lynx with me to work, once. A co-worker enjoyed playing Qix on it, as compared to the lame Gameboy version of the game. His only complaint was the usual one - "Why is the system so damn large?"


On a seperate occasion, I brought the Supervision with me to work. While my friend played the game "Witty Cat" on it, all the way on the other side of the room, a customer complained that the game's music (or, as he put it, "What's that awful noise?") was distracting him from the conversation we were having. I promptly asked my friend to turn the sound down, much to the pleasure of everyone in the room.

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I took my Lynx to school one day (camuflated in a shoe box :P ). Well, It works fine (For a while), When you have a study hall and no work to do. After playing a while, the person next to me started to wonder what i was doing, and I showed him how the game I was playing worked. He gave it back, and started a discussion with me about the Lynx, so it got a little noisy. My teacher told me that I should put the Lynx back in my bagpack.


Everybody these days is surpised to know that you don't need an xbox 360 to have fun, lol.



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