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atari2600land's Blog - I Hate April Fools' Day


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It's such a ridiculous holiday, purposely hurting other people's feelings for the pure joy of some stupid holiday started by a bunch of idiots hundreds of years ago. If I could. I'd abolish all celebration of it, punishable by the death penalty. It could be that I don't have a sense of humor, it could be I have a short fuse, it could be because i'm so g------ gullable, heck, it could even be that I'm just plain a mental case, but for just some reason it really ticks me off. And for what? To feel good caused by making other people sad/angry/suicidal? Maybe it's the people who really love April Fools' Day that are the crazy ones. Maybe I'd like it better if it was my birthday so I could get presents and a cake. Too bad I have to wait until November for that.



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