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1200XL Upgrade Unknown


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That was common practice, is not an unique behavior to CSS OS+. There was no device (in the US) that used a different value.


Many software/OS go even further. They don't ever ask the peripheral or use the '?' command at all. They just try ultraspeed. If it works, they use it, if not they fall over to normal speed.


That's kinda sucky. I guess at the time, that was the only thing, but... ICD put the option there for it to be used!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here we go. Some radical upgrading on here. If anyone can see any other upgrade I haven't, point it out.


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Who did you get this from? It looks like something I did, long ago.





You know Bob, when I first got it, I told myself that it looked like something you would have done. There are so many little tweaks in this thing that I often wondered that. I'm sure there are others out there with the ability but you are the only one that comes to mind that would have modded a 1200XL like this. I added the Basic C after I got it. That was the only thing I could see that hadn't been done.


I got the system in 2 parts from the same ebay seller. He had an empty 1200XL case and keyboard in one auction and the 1200XL mainboard in another. Neither one sold because they were asking probably a little much for them. I think he wanted $45 for the case/keyboard and $95 for the mainboard. I made an offer for both together for $100 which they accepted. I was surprised when I got the package as the PBI mod was not readily visible in the original ebay pictures. That would be pretty cool if it was one of your old 1200XL's!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK. This is an opinion question. Should I keep the CSS UltraSpeed Plus in this system or replace it with my 32in1 upgrade?? I know the US+ has a built in ramdisk handler that's kinda nice. Not sure about the APE Warp+ OS. Anybody have ideas of advantages or disadvantages of switching??


Well, one problem I found with my CSS OS+, is the ultraspeed routines seem to ignore the actual speed byte returned by the drive. As long as it ACKs the command, it assumes $0A. Could never figure out why the replacement rom I made up for my Trak to add ultraspeed, never seemed to work, until I found out (from Steve@atarimax) that this bug existed! Note, this also keeps APE from functioning at ultraspeed.


Does anyone have a dump of the OS itself, so that it can be patched? I miss a lot of the functionality of this OS, but with that bug, it's really unusable..


Do you have any schematics or maintenace manuals for the Trak drives?

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I wonder why they bothered removing the RF modulator? I can see doing it if you need the space for other mods, I had considered removing mine to make space for my Dual-Pokey stereo board, but I found another spot instead. But since nothing has taken it's place on your 1200XL, I see no reason to have bothered removing it. I think I still like having the option of RF output anyway. Of course it makes it easier for you Guitarman, if you want to use the space.



I think the modulator was removed in order to use the space on the back of the 1200XL for the 1/4" phone jack. They probably thought a 1/8" jack wasn't robust enough. That's what I did on mine.




Is there a chance that they removed the RF modulator to eliminate any potential noise/interference to the clear pic mod?


Wouldn't that also make a good location to install a 2.5 inch IDE hard drive?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks anyway. If you have anything to suggest, i'm open to listen. It just keeps flashing the write/Protect lites error.


Well, about the only self test on boot up, is RAM. Does the drive have two ram chips? Try swapping them.. One is used for a sector buffer, the other for the printer buffer. I'm pretty sure it will work if only the sector buffer ram is good.

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  • 5 months later...
Thanks anyway. If you have anything to suggest, i'm open to listen. It just keeps flashing the write/Protect lites error.


Well, about the only self test on boot up, is RAM. Does the drive have two ram chips? Try swapping them.. One is used for a sector buffer, the other for the printer buffer. I'm pretty sure it will work if only the sector buffer ram is good.


Thanks I will try that when I can find where I put the drive. :roll: I must have forgotten to set this thread to send me an email when I received a reply and after awhile I put the drive away for a rainy day. :x

Can you send me a copy of your patched ROM with the printer still working and then the final one with ultraspped fix, or any other copies?


Thanks! :!:

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