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jboypacman's Blog - More reviews coming soon and other things.


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Between being somewhat busy with personal stuff and fighting being sick i really havnt done any review in a little while but i will be return to review mode soon.Be watching for them gang.


I want to say thanks to all of those who sent me some warm Brithday wishes yesterday.Its nice to know that am like by some of you guys out there :D .


Just got copies of Human Cannonball,Race,and Canyon Bomber today in the mail on a trade and i could not be happier about them,Thanks Guitar(Al).


I got some big news regarding the "Conduit"my old fanzine that never was.Its coming back to life in a on-line form and as a planned monthly POD Cast.As more details are worked out i will let everybody know more about it.


Am going to have to wait for thoses 20th Century Fox games that my wife ordered for my B-Day.Atari2600.com were she ordered it from on a little vacation untill the 11th of April.


Thats it today gang so remember....."Play Atari Today and Everyday".Take care everyone.



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