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What are meetings good for?


Sketching, of course!


Some of my favorite drawings have come in the form of spur-of-the-moment little sketches that I've done while waiting for meetings to end.


I'd been thinking about Fred's SuperBug game on the 2600, and started sketching VW bugs. I don't know if he's planning a contest for the label or not, but I hope so. I've loved drawing cars since I was a kid, and the bug is probably the most fun car to draw, from a cartoonist's perspective.


So here are a few quick sketches. Not cleaned up. Unrefined. Just raw, uncooked cartoons. ;)


This was the first one, and still my favorite. Reminiscent of 70's hot rod cartoons with the oversized engine in it:



Back view - wide and low:



And just a quick "cute" version:



Also, I tend to draw cartoons based on stuff going on in the meetings. One proverbial "can of worms" that keeps getting opened up again and again is our eventual move to HD video. So of course, I drew a can of "HD Brand Worms". There was just something appealing about the two worms admiring their "high-def-ness", and the third being completely disinterested in the whole thing. It's always fun when you're able to infuse personality into something so simple. The original sketch is quite small. It's easier to hide what you're drawing that way. ;)





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