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jboypacman's Blog - Buck Rogers:Planet of Zoom


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Buck Rogers:Planet of Zoom by SEGA for the Colecovision is based off the Arcade game of the same name.It was released back in the early 80s(1984).


Buck Rogers has seven stages of play.Players find themselfs flying over planet surfaces,through space,and into trenches(ala Star Wars).


After passing throught these stages players square off with a impressive large boss who is suprisingly weak and once this boss is defeated the game starts over again.


Buck Rogers:Planet of Zoom has decent graphics and o.k. sounds and controls fairly well with the Colecovision controllers.


So whats my final judgement on this game? While this game isnt a jaw-dropper,it is decent.Its a classic style space shooter from the 80s that deserves a play or two from time to time.Its not for everyone but its good anuff(and cheap anuff)to be included in your Colecovision collection.


Thumbs ups :) .


Other notes:This game was also made for the Atari 2600 and 5200 game systems.




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