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Flack's Daily Smack - SAN


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This week Susan and I along with Johnny and a dozen of our co-workers are receiving SAN training from Dell. Our group is pretty diverse, consisting of a few people who have never heard of a SAN, a couple who have worked on SANs, and then the rest of us who fall somewhere in the middle ("I have a general knowledge of how SANs work but I've never physically touched one.")


Ten minutes into the training course we discovered our instructor ("Anne") had managed to write technical jargon all over our conference room whiteboard with a permananet marker. I can't really blame her (who the heck stores permanent markers in a whiteboard tray?) but it still made us chuckle. A bit of cleaning spray removed the writing from the board.


It's 12:30pm, and we have terms like "iSCSI", "CX300", "LUN", and "FC" written all over the whiteboard. It'll be interesting to see, with full bellies, who the first to nod off will be ...



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