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SpiceWare's Blog - Medieval Mayhem at AC2007


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Found these photos of AC2007, held last weekend in France. Looks like they had a Medieval Mayhem tournament. Following translated from French via babelfish:

QUOTEThe stand comforts 8bits had a large success. 2600 and 7800 were present with very many plays as well as the whole réçent Medieval Mayhem on 2600, Warlords approaching the version basic arcade. It will have was useful at the time of this AC 2007 of contest for the tournaments.


The tournaments over 2 days proceeded with 2 plays and a quizz of 20 questions on the topic of Atari. Medieval Mayhem on 2600 saturdays and NBA Jam YOU on Jaguar.

I like the placard they did up for MM


Also found a video(55 MB) that I fast forwarded thru. I see MM at 6:12 - 6:16, 8:00 - 8:24 and 11:57 - 12:15.



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