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jboypacman's Blog - Blips! The first book of video game funnies.


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Pshooooooooooooo! Pshoooooooooooo!

Blam blam! Blam blamblamblam!

Kapow! Kapow! Zapzapzapzap! Blam!

Pshooooooo! Powpowpow! Zapzap!


Hey-what were you expecting in an introduction to a book of video game cartoons-philosophy?!?


This was the introduction to Blips! The first book of video game funnies.


I recently was given this little paperback book by my good friend Zeta who must of had it for a long time.He thought i might enjoy it seeing that am into classic video gaming.


Well am not for sure if i would of enjoyed this one "back in the day".The jokes and humor in this book are pretty bad but the cartoons in the book more than remind of some of the art found in Mad magazine which isnt a horrible thing i guess.


Lots of Pac-Man related cartoons which shows who ruled the video game world at the time this was made and there is even a mention of Merv Griffin in one of the jokes(now we are really dating this book).


As bad as Blips! is it is still a interesting piece of video game related history that i will file away with rest of my classic gaming stash.


Like it says on the last page "Book Over". Later gang :D .






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