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Flack's Daily Smack - Waco/Virginia Tech/Murrah Building/My Head


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Media outlets have been airing news of the Virginia Tech shootings non-stop for 48 hours now. The air waves have been so flooded with coverage of the story that I've had to turn off the television and quit checking my normal web news sites for the time being. The story all but drowned out the twelfth anniversary of the Murrah Building (April 19th, 1995). In fact, I didn't even realize today was the anniversary until Johnny mentioned it to me after lunch. Funny how those things slowly fade. For a few years I can remember we were asked to have a moment of silence for those killed by Timothy McVeigh (et al) in the Murrah Bombing. Two years ago on the tenth anniversary the story once again made headlines. Maybe Oprah, Geraldo and Connie Chung will revisit the story on the 15th or 20th anniversaries. For now, Seung-hui Cho will hold the spotlight. Just as we (Oklahoma City) inherited the "April Disaster" torch from Waco, we shall now apparently pass it to Virginia.


Last night on MSNBC reporters interviewed a female Virginia Tech student who was also at Columbine when the shootings there occured. I didn't catch her name but I suppose I should look it up just in case she gets a job anywhere near me so I can move far away from that bullet magnet.


So anyway in honor of all those tragedies I shaved my head. Well, not really. I mean, I really shaved my head, but that's not why I did it.





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