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Awed Thoughts - Animals (Wisconsinites may appreciate this one)


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2 men went to get a meal at the local restaurant.

When they arrived, they saw that the host to seat them was a moose.

The moose said "Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. May I help you find a table?"

The men were astounded at the animal, but never questioned him. They followed the host to a nice booth in the back of the restaurant.


Within a few moments, they saw who their waiter was-- a cow.

The cow came out and took their drink orders, and eventually came by to solicit their dinner requests.

They were going to get hamburgers, but decided against it, ordering vegetarian.

The food they got was excellent, and eventually, it came to be time to order dessert.


One of the men inquired about the chef. The cow-waiter replied that the chef was a monkey from South America, and was a culinary expert. The waiter then recommended the banana's foster, which the men readily ordered.


Afterward, the cow-waiter brought the bill. Looking at it, the men were amazed by their experience, and thought about how to divide up the charges.


One man said "Well, it's $50.00". How about we both leave $30.00 each?

The other man replied "No; that's not going to work for me."

"Why not?" asked the first man.

"I don't tip cows".



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