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Extra levels in pitfall?


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I heard that one classic console's VERSION OF PITFALL has extra hidden levels,is it the 5200?,and is it pitfall one or two?,id really like to get the game,man,if it is the 5200,that will mean i have to get the console also,but that ain't to bad, cus i see that the 5200 has some real cool games!Thanx

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pointless post since I can't answer your question, but both Pitfalls can be had for pretty cheap. Even if the version you want isn't the 5200 version, you should still pick up a 5200, it has many other great games and by far has the best good to bad game ratio of any system I can remember with as many games released.

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I heard that one classic console's VERSION OF PITFALL has extra hidden levels,is it the 5200?,and is it pitfall one or two?,id really like to get the game,man,if it is the 5200,that will mean i have to get the console also,but that ain't to bad, cus i see that the 5200 has some real cool games!Thanx


The Atari 8-bit and 5200 versions of Pitfall II have a whole "secret world" you go to after beating the original game. This world is full of new enemies, new level types, and now there are 4 objects you need to find. This world also has a real ending (sorta) vs no ending in the original.



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The Atari 8-bit and 5200 versions of Pitfall II have a whole "secret world" you go to after beating the original game. This world is full of new enemies, new level types, and now there are 4 objects you need to find. This world also has a real ending (sorta) vs no ending in the original.


There's an article about the making of Pitfall II in the latest Retro Gamer (UK) magazine. They say that because the Atari 8-bit version was a straight port of the Atari 2600 version, it went through testing in one day without any glitches, giving the programmer an extra month of development time in which he added the second world.

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Yes, Pitfall II for the 5200 has a second quest built in once you retrieve the Raj Diamond, Rhonda and Quickclaw (in any order) in the first quest.


In the second quest, you need to find the basket, magic flute, golden rope, and the Charmer. Once you pick up those items, you go to the Treasure Room to initiate the "ending sequence" where Pitfall Harry and his gang return back to the surface with the spoils of their adventure :cool:


I love that this was added to the game, since it makes sense that you would want to return to the surface. The second quest is extremely difficult, but once you find out where everything is, it just takes practice.


A perfect score after completing both quests without losing a single point is 504,000. Quite a challenge indeed!

Edited by the 5th ghost
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I was lucky enough to see Doug make a perfect run of 504,000 and all I can say is it was a thing of beauty.


The second quest adds ants and some really "jerky" flying bats, making some jumps seem very tricky. Even the frogs will chase you on the second quest.




Doug's record can be checked out, about 4 articles down.

Edited by duncantoml
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There's an article about the making of Pitfall II in the latest Retro Gamer (UK) magazine. They say that because the Atari 8-bit version was a straight port of the Atari 2600 version, it went through testing in one day without any glitches, giving the programmer an extra month of development time in which he added the second world.


Yeah basically. I also read that the Colecovision programmer decided to code the whole thing from scratch and ran into troubles so the whole thing got delayed. It was then that the 8-bit version programmer was able to add the extra levels. I guess they wanted to release them at the same time.



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