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jboypacman's Blog - Yes! My wife ordered me a Lynx II w/games.


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Well my wife felt bad about the lost of my brithday gifts in the mail last month so she went and ordered me a Atari Lynx II last night.


She ordered it from the Goat Store and i guess its brand new,never been used,in its original box and comes packed with four games,Gates of Zendocon,Robotron,Electrocop,and Shanghi.


I already have four other games for it too that me and my buddy Dalum dug up in his storage unit,Ninja Gaiden,Baseball Heros,Pinball Jam,and Warbirds all loose.


Am pretty excited about gettting this Lynx II as it will complete my Atari line-up along with my Atari 2600,5200,7800,and Jaguar(I dont collect the Atari computers).


So mark one off the most wanted list and now i just have to wait for it to arrive.My wife is awesome and thats why i love her so much. :)



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