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Atari 8-Bit Monitors


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Is it possible to hook up an Atari 8-bit to a VGA monitor? If not, what's the largest monitor that the 8-bit can be hooked up to (I haven't seen many older monitors that were bigger than 12" or so)?


If I do use a monitor, I'll lose the artifacting effect right? Do many 8-bit games make use of this? I seem to recall this being the reason I never hooked my 8-bit to a monitor in the first place...



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I suppose it depends on how you define monitor. :)


They can connect through RF, Composite or S-Video. If you use S-Video then you lose the artifacting.

If you are talking about the old Commodore/etc. monitors than the biggest I remember is 14 inchs. If you want something bigger just get an old CRT TV with a composite connection and you should be fine.



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If you want something bigger just get an old CRT TV with a composite connection and you should be fine.


Or a new TV with either composite or S-video input. Stay away from LCDs though, some (most?) of them have issues with the out-of-spec NTSC/PAL signals generated by the Ataris (look for the "why do capture cards suck on A8's" thread for gory details).


You can buy a new 19" CRT television with composite and S-Video inputs, without hi-def support, for well under $200 these days (I've even seen one with a built-in DVD player for $120 new at a Best Buy).

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If you can find a commodore monitor, such as a 1084, 1701, 1702..ect, get one. You can't beat the color or clarity. Combine one of those with a super video mod and you will be amazed! I know A lot of people want larger monitors but I think 13 or 14 inches is fine for the resolution the Atari puts out. I just picked up a Magnavox 8cm515 monitor, wich is the same as a commodore 1084, for $2.00 at a yard sale. So keep yopur eyes open, they are out there. Also The 8cm515 has a TTL input and can be swiched to mono green with a push of a button so I can use it with the XEP80 as well. No more need for two different monitors, yea!

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Well I have a 20" TV in the basement I use for my Colecovision and Intellivision. Looks like it's time to move the 8-bit down there as well. The only problem is my computer is upstairs, so no SIO2PC downloading. If only I could use the cable with my Mac Laptop...



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If you can find a commodore monitor, such as a 1084, 1701, 1702..ect, get one. You can't beat the color or clarity. Combine one of those with a super video mod and you will be amazed!


I second that motion... am using a Commodore 1702 with clearpic modded 1200XL (s-video), and it's gorgeous. One day I'll hook it up to the 36" CRT in the living room, and the pixels will be big enough to see (but not from the couch, which is where I'll be).

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would an s-video to VGA converter be any good.

Toying with the idea to hook up a 130xe to a 17" crt monitor


The s-video to VGA converters have issues with the Atari Video. Some will work and some won't. It's really a matter of trial and error. Besides that, because of the upscaling the converter has to do, the image will not be as good as a Analog TV or monitor.

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