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Adventure II impressions


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I've been playing Adventure II quite a bit since it's arrived and it sure has brought me hours of enjoyment. Tonight I was stuck in the Ice World Castle for about 45 minutes. I couldn't frickin' find my way out and every time I got close that stupid Troll would come and steal the fire castle key and I'd have to go looking for it again.




Some initial impressions:


1) The dragons are harder to kill and harder to avoid. On the 2600 version I thought the dragons were pretty easy to avoid, but that's not the case on Adventure II. And sometimes it's downright impossible to shake them off.

2) The mazes are more complex, especially getting into the vast mazes. Like I said above, I was lost in a castle for 45 minutes. I've always thought I was pretty good at navigating through mazes, but this one had me completely stumped and I loved it.

3) The troll, while annoying, isn't as devastating as the bat can be in the original. I remember the bat would latch onto you and follow you if it wanted your item from screen to screen and you had very little hope in shaking it off. Then you had to go searching everywhere for the item. I imagine if the bat were around in Adventure II the game would be ridiculously hard because the kingdom is so huge. The troll seems to be a good compromise.

4) Some of the keys are located in the same place. Maybe this will change as I try different levels, but the forest castle key is always in the seashore castle and the dark castle key is always in the ice castle. This is a little different than the original where all of the items were randomly placed.


I've enjoyed the game very much. I've beaten the first nine levels now and look forward to trying the more advanced one's now.


Would be interested in hearing other people's impressions of the game.


Also, what rankings have people gotten?


The only one's I have seen so far are:


Duck Food

Block Head

Square Meal




Swashbuckler is the only one that sounds like something earned. I figure there have to be other positive rankings, but I haven't figured out how to get them yet.



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I played for half an hour or so this morning.


1) The graphics are excellent. I like the way the bushes wave in the wind. Nice touch! And there's quite a bit of variety among the different areas.

2) I really like flipping the sword and bridge. This adds a ton to the game, and I didn't expect it.

3) I couldn't see the difference between the green castle and yellow castle, so it took me a while to figure out why the key didn't work. I don't necessarily think it's the game's fault, though, at the moment the 5200 is the last system in a chain of a half dozen RF adapters. =)

4) I really enjoyed the maze, even on beginner. The Atari symbol made me laugh. =)


I've only only beaten beginner/1 and got Swashbuckler. The game is a blast, and I look forward to beating every level. It's been a long time coming, but it's a lot of fun.

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I got some quality sit down time with the game tonight. I played for about an hour and tried game variant 1 and 2.


This game is damn good. If it had existed in 1983, every Atari 5200 owner would want it. It would be positively legendary.


It evokes the original extremely well. It definitely brought back memories of being 12 and exploring the kingdom of the original Adventure. But even better, it is its own game. It ups the ante like a good sequel should. It's deeper and more complex, while not sacrificing the simplicity of the original.


The mazes are very good. I was constantly getting lost in them. They forced me to dig down into gamer skills long left untapped. The kingdoms are huge! I'm already impressed by the Medium sized kingdom, I don't know how I'll wrap my atrophied maze skills around the vast kingdoms. Is it time to break out the mapping paper? Oh my, it might be! Just like my first time playing the original Adventure, there's the thrill of discovery.


The sound is just about perfect. There's something to be said for the general silence of Adventure, it increases the tension. The old sound effects are familiar and reassuring and the new sound cues are catchy and not overused. No joke, kudos for knowing the time to make noise and when not to.


Graphics-wise it's hard for me to get excited in this age of 3D and HD SFX, however the design on this game just fits it so well. The castles are very nice, the fire castle looks especially ominous. I also really liked the dark forest maze. It seemed wonderfully spooky. I'm just lucky I didn't run into a dragon in there, I probably would have actually jumped! :)


Finally, there's the packaging and extras. The map cards struck me as the best of the extras, but the key was a nice surprise and close second. The manual looked very nice (and gave me a big goofy grin for a reason I won't elaborate upon here). Finally, the magnets were cool enough that I made them the first magnets to ever go on my refrigerator. How's that for a compliment?


I was very worried that Adventure II wouldn't live up to expectations. After all, I've been excited about it ever since I saw a webpage (by a different bunch of 5200 fans?) about creating it back in 2001 or so. I thought there was no way it could live up to what I subconsciously hoped, but it looks like the people involved with this one have outdone themselves. I do think it was worth the wait. From the look, feel, and genuine classic goodness, it nails every target. In all seriousness, this game sets the bar for homebrewers and retro-gamers alike. It rightfully joins the best our hobby can offer.


Is there anything bad I can say? I honestly can't think of anything at the moment. I think that shows the dedication of those involved with the game and how it was a labor of love for classic gaming. Maybe I'll find something to complain about tomorrow. Perhaps there's some fatal flaw which lurks out of view of my rose colored glasses, but as of this moment, all is right with the world.


To all those involved with the game, I knew you people rocked, but I never fully realized how much you do until now. You are like unto gods. If any of you want me to sacrifice some animals or build a temple to praise your divinity, just ask. If you need heathens smited, I'm at your service. Yes, this post is full of fanworship, but it is deserved.



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The manual looked very nice (and gave me a big goofy grin for a reason I won't elaborate upon here).


Oh go on :) As the designer of both the cards and the manual, I hereby request the reason for the goofy grin :).

I myself got a nerdy kick out of spending way too long recreating the 1980s-chrome TV surrounds for the screenshots (which feature in Atari's own manuals). That was just geekiness for my own benefit!

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I got mine last Saturday and I have been enjoying it a lot. I haven't even got close to trying out all the different variations. That's one of my favorite things about the game in fact. I miss games with a zillion variations, even if you may never try all of them out.


The randomly generated mazes works out really well and it helps keep things interesting. I also found it pretty cool how you make your own wood slats.


I am trying to find all three bat eggs. I have found two, but the 3rd one is definently elusive. I also haven't encountered the dragon trap yet. Which also reminds me of the powerups, they really enhance the gameplay, even though they are brief. The rankings system was also a great idea, it was always one of my favorite things from Star Raiders.


The only thing I miss from the original is walking around a dark maze with a torch. Other than that I have no complaints, but even then that's not a major thing considering everything else you get with the game.


The packaging is excellent, they really went all the way with the extras. Kudos to everyone involved.


And finally, this is the killer app for the 5200. It's so good that everyone that has been slamming the 5200 lately (in particular Gametrailers and the Angry Video game nerd) should take another look at it. Yes it's just a homebrew but this shows what the 5200 could have been doing in 83. I am glad I have a 5200!

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It'll be my next TAT review, that's for sure. (Maybe not the next one posted, but the next one I write.)


Best I've gotten on level 1 is Swashbuckler. How about everyone else?

As far as I can tell, that is the top ranking.


I got Chalice Master for the first time today. Not sure what I did to "earn" that rating.

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Game crash... First time this happened to me. I was carrying the chalice back over the bridge between the hedge maze and the Seashore Kingdom and when I touched the left edge of the bridge it glitched/froze up with all kinds of weird gibberish on the screen. Oddly enough I actually was video capturing this game if anyone wants to see it.

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Game crash... First time this happened to me. I was carrying the chalice back over the bridge between the hedge maze and the Seashore Kingdom and when I touched the left edge of the bridge it glitched/froze up with all kinds of weird gibberish on the screen. Oddly enough I actually was video capturing this game if anyone wants to see it.

Should we start a problems thread?

I got stuck in a wall once and just now this happened:post-476-1179184069_thumb.jpg


But, I love the game. I am only on level 4.


I still don't know how to kill the dragons very well :(


Now we have a use for the non-centering joystick!!!!! :) (to move in the same direction for you)


And what we can't line up 2 items and push both at once?

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!!!! I never saw anything like that before! I don't even know how that happened!


Question: were you able to hit #5 ? Did the game revive you cleanly if so? (Bizarre...)


I was able to hit #5 and when I got back there it was normal.

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But, I love the game. I am only on level 4.


I still don't know how to kill the dragons very well :(


Now we have a use for the non-centering joystick!!!!! :) (to move in the same direction for you)


CaféTip: to kill dragons, hit 'em DEEP in the belly. Not just a graze. Usually works.


And what we can't line up 2 items and push both at once?



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