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atari2600land's Blog - Toki


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Here's a new category for my blog: Lynx Reviews. I hope to review all 80-some-odd games released for the Lynx. I hope to review these by the real thing, except when the rarity is something like 7, then I'll resort to the emulator. This time around, it's Toki.



Rarity: 3 / Reviewed: on real Lynx


Either I suck at Toki or the game itself sucks. The premise is simple enough: It's a platform game involving a monkey trying to rescue his girlfriend. That's all good and nice, but how can I expect to go that far if I can't even get past the first level?! This does have two marks against it, though: #1: I hate platforming games where jumping on the enemy kills you (too much SMB, I guess), and #2: I hate one shot and you're dead platformers. This has both of them. You shoot balls at enemies. Most of the time, you can't even shoot them, like those stupid brown bullets that go way too fast for you to avoid. And spiders that shoot tiny things out in all directions that if you touch, you die. Dumb, dumb, dumb! This game might be enjoyable if: a.) there weren't so many enemies, and b.) enemies didn't shoot things at you. Another thing about this game is it moves slow. Jumping takes at least thrice as long as it does in, say, SMB. Thumbs down for one reason: It's too hard! :thumbsdown: :mad:



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