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Atari Flashback 2.0 Adventure II


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flashback II adventure II game forum .

I have seen bird bat running around w bridge but dont know where to use the bridge or were to find the dot and there is only one level lamo.

is there a way to make the bird come more If i fly threw doors and back in a diagnal fashon like

from Se to nw from down to up into the next room and bak again like snoopy and the red baron flying trying to get a plane to apere it seems to be the same tactic to get eneity's attention.

anyway any hints or help or the 40 cart game system would help.

also is the bird in adventure a bat or a bird i assume its a bird cause it can take the dragon away like original ADVENTURE '''colosal cave''' the bird killed the snake or drives it away.

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Its a bat, just as the bat was present in the original Adventure. The bat does a random sweep across the screens, there are some random triggers to have it take or drop an object and in doing so, change its path, however there is no specific way you'll be able to force the bat to do what you want.


One the things you can do is find an object and stay in one or two screens, moving back and forth and watch for the bat, if it appears, so long as its not carrying a dragon, try moving around a bit, grab its attention and have it exchange objects with you, if it doesn't have the bridge you'll need to repeat this until the bat eventually takes the bridge and hopefully drops it and takes something else from you.


The bat will stay in the water and hedge kingdoms through the beginning of the game, it will not go anywhere else until you unlock the Hedge kingdom castle, once you have done that, the bat is then free to roam throughout all four kingdoms just as you are able to.







flashback II adventure II game forum .

I have seen bird bat running around w bridge but dont know where to use the bridge or were to find the dot and there is only one level lamo.

is there a way to make the bird come more If i fly threw doors and back in a diagnal fashon like

from Se to nw from down to up into the next room and bak again like snoopy and the red baron flying trying to get a plane to apere it seems to be the same tactic to get eneity's attention.

anyway any hints or help or the 40 cart game system would help.

also is the bird in adventure a bat or a bird i assume its a bird cause it can take the dragon away like original ADVENTURE '''colosal cave''' the bird killed the snake or drives it away.

Edited by Curt Vendel
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