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Flack's Daily Smack - And Changes for All


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As most of you are aware, Susan had lapband surgery about a month ago. Before deciding to have the surgery, Susan meticulously researched all the effects the surgery would have on her. We both knew that lapband surgery would be a drastic change for her. What I’m not sure either of us realized is how much of an impact her surgery would have on ME.


When you first have lapband surgery, your stomach is reduced to about one cup in size (8 oz) – later, the band is constricted down to hold about half a cup (4 oz). If you need a visual aid, those small paper cone cups that sit next to water bottles are about 4 ounces. With a stomach that size, eating loses its fun. It’s no longer enjoyable to linger around a Mexican restaurant for an hour, snacking on chips and cheese (the cup of cheese they bring to your table is about four ounces – eat that and you’re done) waiting for your meal and the eventual sopapillas to arrive. When you can only eat a cup of food, every bite counts. Over the last month we’ve all but stopped eating out. We used to hit restaurants or buffets on the way home on a regular basis; now, it’s a rarity for sure.


Buffets are pretty much completely off her list now. I can think of five or six Chinese buffets within just a few miles of work that Susan and I used to frequent on a regular basis. No more. Last Saturday I called my dad and made him go eat Chinese food with me for lunch because I was craving it so bad. Stupid MSG. And it’s not just Chinese food. Susan and I used to love going to Hometown Buffet, Golden Corral, and Fire Mountain, not because we necessarily enjoy getting stuffed at every meal but more because you can get a fun variety of salads, fruits, vegetables and meat all at one place. Those days seem to be over as well. We’re not going to pay $8 so Susan can have a cup of soup.


Eating in front of someone who cannot eat can also have a weird mental effect on you as well. The other night, Susan made one of my favorite dishes, a bowl of Chinese stir-fry and rice. As I’m stuffing my face, I look over to Sue who is eating a tiny smidgen of food. I started eating before her, and continued eating long after she was done. After a few minutes I started thinking about what a pig I must look like to someone who can eat so little. At least twice now I have stopped eating because I felt bad eating in front of Susan, only to resume later once she was out of the room or had gone to bed. This is not a healthy habit to start. Although it’s not intentional or planned, it feels like I am “hiding” eating and that can’t be a good sign.


I think overall the changes Susan has made and the effect they have had on me are a good thing. We are still trying to figure out how all of this will play out. I have no idea how the big holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas, which revolve around our families getting together and eating non-stop for days) will play out. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.




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