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DarkForce! BBS update (May 2007)


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First, apologies for being late this month, many, many

many things going on. An Atari SysOp is never bored. :)


Second, we've reached another milestone (of sorts) here,

at The DarkForce! BBS. We just recently added our 500th



Because of that, I had to expand our user database. Some

functions, such as MassMail will have some unintended

consequences because of this. Current users will have

multiple old MassMail entries waiting for them. Simply

hit any key to go through them all. Everything should be

returned to normal on your next call. Thanks for your

patience and understanding in this matter.


So...here is to another 15 years and 500 more users! :)


Our monthly winner of the 3 magazine subscription to

ST Magazine is:




Congratulations, and remember, you can't win if you don't

call each month! :D

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