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jboypacman's Blog - Jinks for the 7800.


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"You are wandering the wonderous fields and forest of the planet Jinks." What the heck is this a Atari 7800 game or some sort of interplanetary travel guide?


Jinks for the Atari 7800 tries to be the Atari classic Breakout and we can only wish it was half the game Breakout was/is.


You know there is a problem with a videogame when the title screen is the best feature of it.Seriously the title screen is pretty sweet with some sound samples lifted right from another Atari classic Gauntlet.


The goal of the game is to use your paddle to move a ball through a entire level and clear everything on the screen before exiting to the next.


You will enounter enemies(this is the best thing i can call them) that can shrink your paddle making it harder for you to hit and control your ball in the direction you want it to go(Like you could even control your ball to begin with).


The sound in this game(or lack there of ) is just horrible.Outside the opening sound samples and background music there is nothing to brag about here.


The graphics are somewhat detailed with some decent looking backgrounds but the colors just hurt my eyes.


I just dont know what to say about Jinks...Oh yeah i do,this is a terrible,terrible game.Am sorry to the Jink fans out there(if any) but i do not like this game.Am giving this one a big "Thumbs Down". :(






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