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Atari 400 advice...


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Atari 400... a guy I know has one with 'a bunch of games'


I've never messed with any Atari computers/400/800 etc. So I have no idea if it is something I should try to get or what. What are your opinions on price... and depending on what games comes with it... s the 400 worth grabbing? I have never played it so opinions would be great.


What type of games are good for it... etc

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Yep... I've never tried it before. I figured if I can get it for cheap... I'll pick it up. The guy is a packrat and said he had a lot of the games for this. I know basically nothing about it. The quick research I've done so far has baically led me to this: Some people replaced the keyboard, other added RAM, and others added a reset button.


Aside from that... I don't have much info.



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Atari 400... a guy I know has one with 'a bunch of games'


I've never messed with any Atari computers/400/800 etc. So I have no idea if it is something I should try to get or what. What are your opinions on price... and depending on what games comes with it... s the 400 worth grabbing? I have never played it so opinions would be great.


What type of games are good for it... etc

Hard to answer not knowing the configuration/condition of the machine or what games are included or how much money he wants, BUT, if it works, and it's cheap, and you like enough of the games to get your money's worth, go for it. This thing still works after 30 years -- chances are it will work for another 30.


That said, I'd be hard pressed to pay more than $20 for a working 400 with 16k (I only paid $99.99 for mine new back in the day). If your friend had working joysticks that feel good, they'd be worth $5 each. I think $5 for a cart I wanted would be right. I'd pay $20 for a working disk drive. $5 for a game I wanted on floppy.


So you can start working out a price position. Don't compare directly to ebay because you have to pay shipping and condition is usually a little iffy (powers on, worked when stored, etc.), but look anyway to get in the ballpark.


I think this guy could get you to overpay if he played a little riverraid with you ;)

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and if it has got 48K you can use about 80% of the software ever released.

And in my opinion it is the nicest looking 8 bit.

okay, so the keyboard sucks, but I play games not code.

Edited by mimo
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okay, so the keyboard sucks, but I play games not code.

Right. Atari keyboard critiques are not for the likes of us. I kind of like the keyboard since you can wipe beer and chips off it ;)


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okay, so the keyboard sucks, but I play games not code.

Right. Atari keyboard critiques are not for the likes of us. I kind of like the keyboard since you can wipe beer and chips off it ;)


Everyone seems to criticise the 400 keyboard, but it's a cheap shot IMO.


In the UK, the two affordable computers of the early 80s were the Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81, with their "thump-sensitive" keyboards. The 400 kb was a joy by comparison. It's certainly not as good for typing as the 800, but the major attraction of the 400 was the arcade-exact (or almost) gaming. In any case, I like typing on the 400, and WizWor is spot on. The keyboard is child-friendly, beer-friendly, and has an 80s scif-fi-esque look that I love. Not quite as iconic as, say, a Commodore PET 2001, but I still plan to use one as an ornament.


For anyone who has any interest at all in 80s computing or video gaming, an Atari 8-bit computer is a sure-fire winner, and the 400 is a great place to start.

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I think, if he were shopping for an Atari, there would be a lot of reasons to get this one or that -- and I don't think the 400 would be at the top of my list -- BUT, he is looking at a readily available 400 that he can touch and see working with games that may be compelling at a price that may be irresistible, so I don't see anything wrong with a 400 under the circumstances.


I have an 800, an 800xl, a pair of 130XEs, and an XEGS. I play on the XEGS because it has composite out and plays most games. It's rare that I miss a game that requires an 800 (Demon Attack) -- even more rare that I hook up the 800 so I can play one of these. It's just as rare that I miss the four joystick ports.


Since I got my megacart, I have only powered on a 1050 once or twice. I could definately see me using a 400 with its memory maxed out and a megacart plus 4 cx40 joysticks plugged into a modern TV with one of those monitor port to composite cables...beer and chips all over everything...

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Some people replaced the keyboard, other added RAM, and others added a reset button.


IMO all 3 of the above are a good thing so if the price is right it is a great learning computer as my best friend and I started out with an ATARI 400 and the first thing we did is install a new keyboard.


Can you list the games that will come with the ATARI 400??

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