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atari2600land's Blog - I am so sick of Comic Genesis being down!


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Well, guess what? It's down, *again*. And what day did it decide to go down? The one day of the week where my new comic uploads. It's a weekly comic. Sometimes twice a week, like next month. At least it's stuck on a somewhat funny one. And by funny, I mean not funny. See, Brad says to Jessica "I still can't get a Wii." and Brad's dad pops in and says "Maybe you need some Detrol LA." Why did they name it that? Maybe Nintendo of Japan should do some research on English slang before they name a console such a ridiculous name. It wouldn't suprise me one bit if their next system is the Poo. (After all, it would be logical.) Oh well, at least the DS kicks butt. Ah well, I'm moving the comic to be "simulcast" on my website (www.atari2600land.com) so when Comic Genesis is down, people can still see my work every Sunday. I don't know why people would want to see it, at least I'm honest when I named it "Chris's Collection of Crappy Comix." Anyway, if you want to see my 5-day old comic, go to http://chrisread.comicgenesis.com and see my crappy drawings.



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