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jboypacman's Blog - "Livin' After Midnight!"-A Midnight Magic Review.


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"Go Full Tilt!" is what the manual says for this Atari game and you will after playing what is the best pinball game for the 2600.


Midnight Magic is port of the video pinball game of the same name(Midnight or Midnite?)that was on Apple computers years before if am correct.


Let me say this is head and shoulders over the Atari 2600's Video Pinball(Which i like too for some odd reason.)Its got it all for a 2600 pinball game,Two sets of flippers,Bumpers,Rollovers,and more.


Graphics are simple but colorful and the sounds are standard for the Atari 2600 so they are o.k. but work with this type of game.


Midnight Magic gets a "Thumbs Up" easily from me as it does everything right for a "Video" pinball game from the 80s.If you havnt played Midnight Magic for the 2600 give it a shot you may "Flip for it". :)




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