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jboypacman's Blog - Homebrew review.....Gunfight by Xype.


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Back in 1975 Midway released the arcade game Gunfight,A black and white Wild West shooter.Now fast forward to 2001 and a Atari 2600 homebrew company Xype brings forth a 2600 version of the very same game.


Gunfight for the Atari 2600 is just excellent.It truely one-ups the 2600's other game like this, Outlaw which is a classic itself(Outlaw was a arcade game too released back in 1976 and later to home in 1978 by Atari).


When you first pop in Gunfight into your Atari 2600 you are treated to a tune of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire"which is very well done.You will find yourself letting the game run for a few minutes just to listen to this.


Now the game itself features to Cowboys facing each other from across the screen trying to out "draw"it other in a gunfight which is where the the of the game comes from.


Players can fire two bullets at a time at each other,first knocking your opponent's hat off then taking out your opponent themselfs.But its not that easy as you will have diffrent obstacles depending what level you are playing.


These obstacles include Cactus,Stage Coaches,Rocks,and even a Saloon thrown in there for good measure.All of which are rendered very nicely so you can tell what they are.


There are four modes of play in Gunfight...Standard Duel,Six-Shooter Duel,Escape Scenario,and Target Shooting so there more than anuff things to keep you busy with this game.


Graphics are nice in this one with Cowboys looking like Cowboys and colors being easy on the eyes with no black and white screens here.


Sounds are good in this game with "Ring of Fire"playing at the title screen and simple but solid sound effects and such during gameplay.


Controls are good with simple and basic movements for a game like this,Up and Down and pushing the fire button to shoot nothing to gripe about here.


Xype's Gunfight is just a great game to have for your Atari 2600 its a much improved version of the classic Outlaw which am going to give a big "Thumbs Up".










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