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ATARI XEGS Keyboard Extension?


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I've asked about this before - although I dont think it was here... If it was, it was a LOOONG time ago.


Anyway - I prefer the XEGS simply because I like a light keyboard in my lap.... For thos times that I actually use ATARI hardware, it would be great to have a longer cord between the base and the XEGS console...


Has anyone done this, and if so, could you provide some details... If not, is there possibly somewhere like Best that sells an extender??

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The XEGS keyboard uses the same connector as the old style PC game port (pre-USB joysticks used it). The Atari 5200 controllers also use the same connector.


I've seen game port extension cables before, years ago, but I couldn't find one last year when I got my XEGS. I'm pretty sure someone in the Atari 5200 forum on this site could help you find a 5200 extension though.


If you do find a game port extension cable, it should work fine with the XEGS keyboard, but you may have to use a dremel or something to grind off the metal "ears" and/or remove excess plastic so it will physically plug in to the XEGS. A 5200 cable might work as-is (I've just plugged a 5200 controller into the XEGS keyboard port, it fits perfectly, but I don't know whether all 15 pins would be connected on a 5200 extension cable). You do want a cable with all 15 pins connected BTW. I'm pretty sure this is standard for a PC gameport cable, but not 100% sure.


Alternative: you could probably buy a couple of DB-15 connectors (I *think* they're DB-15, better check) from Jameco or Digikey and make your own cable (use the wire from a PC printer cable maybe).


Alternative #2: maybe you could dissect an old PC joystick and sound card to get the connectors. If you have a computer salvage yard near you, you can probably get them for next to nothing.


One reason I haven't really pursued this is that the XEGS console keys need to be pretty close to the keyboard for everyday use. If you make the cable 20 feet long and sit on your comfy couch, you'll have to get up and walk over to the console to hit Reset or Start, or swap cartridges, etc. I'd probably be happy with a 3 to 5 foot cable extension though. (I'd be even happier if start/select/option/reset were on the keyboard instead of the console... but then it wouldn't be usable as a keyboardless game system)

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