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BlogO - Stupid 2600 Stuff I've Thought of Doing


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Not all (or much) of this is reasonable, obviously. Just dumping thoughts. Some bizarre, some actionable.


Build a foot operated paddle controller (WIP).


Build a solid state, jitter-free paddle controller replacement (For 2nd generation of foot operated paddle controller). Discussed rather thoroughly. (Also relates to another undisclosed controller related project.)


Hack Space Invaders to use the paddle controller and also speed up the game action if possible to go along with the paddle controller. I like the fast pace of Kaboom, Circus and some other paddle games. Can't do that with joysticks very well. (Though Crackpots is decent.)


Hack Combat, Asteroids to use the driving controller.


Write my own game (WIP).


Support joystick, paddle and driving controllers in my homebrew game. Probably should get the game working with one controller first (paddle).


Write my own multi-console (high latency tolerant) game, interconnecting consoles via joystick port. Battleship comes to mind first.


Build a plugin (standard cartridge socket) memory expansion module that can be accessed by cartridges with a special connector and left in place and ignored by "normal" cartridges. Probably possible, but not very practical


Build a docking module to use the 2600 as a display and control device for handheld electronic games. The limitations of the 2600 make it a mighty poor choice for an external display device. Sudoku prompted this thought originally. Later, I thought it would be cool in an extremely geeky way to control an MP3 player this way to make a 2600 "Media Center".



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