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In my own mind I'm on the fench with this one. I'm always skeptical when one of these come up. Anyone could easily fake all those pictures in the auction. After all the photo of the cart looks like any other Atlantis cart. With the photo of it playing on the TV it's easy enough to drill a hole in the wall to your second Atari with the cuttle cart or Krok cart plugged inside. The point is the photos mean nothing. Even if he cuts it open it means nothing. I will say though that he is letting the people decide the price on this one, and not trying something ridiculously lame like asking $1.7 million or $50,000 dollars. :roll: Could be real, could be real. He's kind of sketchy on the details of this "promotion" though for someone who would have to have entered the contest to get the cart. You think he'd remember more of it from being a little excited as a kid?

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I am having some real trouble with the fact he is calling it a promo cart. Also he gives no history of the fact that he was in the contest even though he claims to have gotten this from Imagic. Of all the carts that have been able to be traced back to Imagic they were all contest carts. Also lets not forget the fact that someone yesterday sold a fake Pepsi Invaders. It seems strange that coincedently that an Atlantis II cart would show up the exact same day. There are way too many fishy circumstances behind this. Again hopefully people realize that if they commit a fraud like this that it is a felony. And a Federal Felony to boot since it is fraud across state lines.

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I am having some real trouble with the fact he is calling it a promo cart. Also he gives no history of the fact that he was in the contest even though he claims to have gotten this from Imagic. Of all the carts that have been able to be traced back to Imagic they were all contest carts. Also lets not forget the fact that someone yesterday sold a fake Pepsi Invaders. It seems strange that coincedently that an Atlantis II cart would show up the exact same day. There are way too many fishy circumstances behind this. Again hopefully people realize that if they commit a fraud like this that it is a felony. And a Federal Felony to boot since it is fraud across state lines.

I too have trouble with his lack of memory of the contest, but I think we are all getting a little paranoid of fakes here, myself included. This is taking away from the fun in the hobby which is why we're all in it in the first place. I will give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not the guy that's going to be flipping him several hundred dollar bills. I simply don't have that type of expendable money to take that kind of risk. Anyhow these are two completely different sellers. Lets all just take a minute and step back from thinking of all the scammers and scumbags out there and remember all those fun times we have already had collecting and playing these games. That's what it is all about. I love nothing more then contributing to the knowledge base when I can whether it be a scan or a rom dump. If I'm down in the dumps about collecting I just look over the carts and boxes I like the most and feel happy again.

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Who writes in and says 'it's worth $1500-$2500'? People on eBay are such doofuses.


Exactly. I especially like the answer : "Thanks for the information".


Two things could happen now.


1. Seller ends the auction somehow and relists it with a massive BIN (which may or may not indicate that he´s sitting on a real Atlantis II cart)


2. Seller let´s it run (which IMO indicates that he´s not in fact sitting on a genuine Atlantis II cart).

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The more I think about it the more I think this guy is trying to be slick in this auction. I really think he thinks his misinformation will save him from the law. First of all do you notice how he is calling this cart Atlantis 2 instead of the more common Atlantis II. He might claim that he was not selling the famous Atlantis II cart but the unfamous Atlantis 2 repo. Second he refuses to acknoledge that this is a contest cart. He insists on only calling it promo. Again he might think he's pulling a fast one by claiming he never said that this was a contest cart anywhere in his auction. Third it is obvious that he has had more messages about this game than one person telling him how much they think it's worth.

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Repos of these carts will not stop. In fact near identical repos of any game worth $100 or more is in the near future. Someone will buy one or two then throw them in with a lot of 100 commons using his sisters account in another state. Are we going to start requesting rom pictures of all valuable games?

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Ok now.. I just spent a few minutes looking at this cart blown up and the other Atlantis II cart pics here on AA.


I don't think it is real..and the main reason is.. I can not see the little star in the upper left hand of the label.. :ponder:


From what I have seen..every Real Atlantis cart has had the star.. why wouldn't this one?


If I am wrong..clue me in..thanks

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Ok now.. I just spent a few minutes looking at this cart blown up and the other Atlantis II cart pics here on AA.


I don't think it is real..and the main reason is.. I can not see the little star in the upper left hand of the label.. :ponder:


From what I have seen..every Real Atlantis cart has had the star.. why wouldn't this one?


If I am wrong..clue me in..thanks

I can't tell from the photo myself. From what I do notice the dome in the bottom right corner looks higher then in Atariage's Atlantis II photo.




There are supposed to be a few minute Night Scene variations. Here's one with No Star, Bright Left Star. These are both regular Atlantis carts too. Hope Phil doesn't mind me stealing his picture. Note the hight of the bottom right dome in the no star photo.





Homer, do both your Atlantis II's have the star and the lower dome?

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Hmm, good question I think I might make a special trip to the bank tommorow and see if both carts have what you describe witht the lower dome and the star.

Under Lock and key, eh? lol I probably would too. Look at the picture of the two side by side and you will see more differences. Look at how much of the ship is cut off in the label on the right hand side (in the label with the lower dome). Also if you look at the huge explosion, you also see one more line on the left (in the label with the lower dome). Finally the label with no star has a jagged mountain on the left, and the one with the star has a more rounded one it seems and a different shape. At least it looks like a different shape to me. It could just be a fuzzy print. Anyhow you can see how they have different cuts of the same photo.

Edited by Omegamatrix
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Yours looks like the right label to me, Decypher. When I say right label I mean with the Star in the left, low dome, etc. There are probably more minute variations then this. Does yours also have the sloppy border around it like the one it the AA database from too much ink? Can't tell from your photo.

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Yours looks like the right label to me, Decypher. When I say right label I mean with the Star in the left, low dome, etc. There are probably more minute variations then this. Does yours also have the sloppy border around it like the one it the AA database from too much ink? Can't tell from your photo.




I never noticed before but yes it does. I dont think it was from too much ink. Mine almost looks like not enough ink.



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Yours looks like the right label to me, Decypher. When I say right label I mean with the Star in the left, low dome, etc. There are probably more minute variations then this. Does yours also have the sloppy border around it like the one it the AA database from too much ink? Can't tell from your photo.


Of course his is real...it says "ATLANTIS II" right on the label :lol:



...Im kidding about it being a fake...of course...

Edited by DeusExMachina
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Yours looks like the right label to me, Decypher. When I say right label I mean with the Star in the left, low dome, etc. There are probably more minute variations then this. Does yours also have the sloppy border around it like the one it the AA database from too much ink? Can't tell from your photo.


Of course his is real...it says "ATLANTIS II" right on the label :lol:






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