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Yours looks like the right label to me, Decypher. When I say right label I mean with the Star in the left, low dome, etc. There are probably more minute variations then this. Does yours also have the sloppy border around it like the one it the AA database from too much ink? Can't tell from your photo.


Been some time since I had mine but I do remember that mine had the same "sloppy" boarder.

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This is why I won't collect stuff like Atlantis II, Pepsi Invaders, etc. Too sketchy and easy to reproduce in my opinion. You need the original paperwork for A2 and the box for Pepsi.


Maybe the seller will trade me for Yuengling Lager.


I would, for a god honest to truth real-one. :ponder:



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Ok, I got my carts out from their dungeon. I do have two other regular Atlantis Night Scene labels so I was able to compare the Atlantis II cart side by side with the common Atlantis Carts. One of my common carts has a higher dome and no star which made it easier to tell the difference. But I also have a common Atlantis cart that has a low dome and the star. It even has somewhat of a blue border around the picture. Also I think the laser beams are a tad redder than the regular Atlantis cart as well.

So here is how to tell if it is an Atlantis II or not

1. Does it have the Star on the left hand side

2. Does it have the blue border around the picture

3. Are the laser beams redder than normal.


Here are some pictures the first three pictures that you will see are of my Atlantis II carts as you can see they are identicle in every way. Now look at the fourth picture. The normal cart has a little bit of paint and gunk on the bottem of it and is on the right hand side of the picture, the Atlantis II cart is on the left hand side. Now look close. Do you notice that despite being aligned perfectly together the normal cart on the right has a label that rises higher than the Atlantis II cart. I Hope this helps people.





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Also one more thing. Now after looking at the auction carefully I personally do not believe this cart he is selling is the genuine thing. First off, I do not see the famous star on the left hand side of the cart up for auction. But more telling is the dome. This persons cart looks like it has the raised dome. The way I can tell somewhat is the tripod that is on top of the bubble. The bottom of the left pole that is at a 60 degree angle seems to be at the edge of the dome. For Atlantis II carts the dome would not reach the edge of the left pole of the tripod and would be further right of that.

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Homer did you ever notice your carts are cut different? If you look at the "Atlantis" on the end label portion of the label you can clearly see the left one is lower. The letters are almost touching the shell while the cart on the right has a good millimeter clearance.

Wow, Interesting. I guess there are two cut variations for the Atlantis II label. If you look at the picture Atariage has of 5th Ghosts you will see that his cart has the same cart as mine on the right. It you look at Decyphers earlier in the Thread you will also see the letters almost touching the shell as well. Despite that the screwhole theory works for all four carts Decyphers. My two and 5th Ghosts.


Edit: Nevermind on the screwhole theory. I just looked at the picture Phil had and he also has the screwholes slightly above the picture as well. But Phil did say he did not test his carts so maybe he does have the Atlantis II cart.

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It went for $300.00, interesting, I bet it's real too. LOL

It does not have the Star on the bottom left of the game. And the dome was raised. Look closely at the picture CPUWIZ you will see that he used the wrong night scene label. :ponder: This is the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600.

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It went for $300.00, interesting, I bet it's real too. LOL

It does not have the Star on the bottom left of the game. And the dome was raised. Look closely at the picture CPUWIZ you will see that he used the wrong night scene label. :ponder: This is the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600.


I doubt that!

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It went for $300.00, interesting, I bet it's real too. LOL

It does not have the Star on the bottom left of the game. And the dome was raised. Look closely at the picture CPUWIZ you will see that he used the wrong night scene label. :ponder: This is the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600.


You make up this stuff, you don't actually know anything, it is all just theories! And you don't know it was a HE either.


And I doubt it was the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600 as well, you just pull this stuff out of your butt. :P

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I hope somehow the buyer´s a member here. I´d love to hear exactly what it is he receives, since it could potentially shed some light (or further the confusion) as to what physical differences there are between a regular Atlantis and Atlantis II.


So far it doesn´t look like there´s any solid evidence to backup any of the theories regarding the physical appearance of Atlantis II. Seems kind of random to me.

What if Imagic just took a handful of Atlantis Night scene labels and put them on the Atlantis II carts without giving it much thought?

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It went for $300.00, interesting, I bet it's real too. LOL

It does not have the Star on the bottom left of the game. And the dome was raised. Look closely at the picture CPUWIZ you will see that he used the wrong night scene label. :ponder: This is the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600.


You make up this stuff, you don't actually know anything, it is all just theories! And you don't know it was a HE either.


And I doubt it was the most expensive repro in the history of the Atari 2600 as well, you just pull this stuff out of your butt. :P

Unfortenatley the seller did not do anything to dispell the theories. Don't you think ironic the seller only posted one answer to a question? Which was the estimated value of the cart. Also seems weird that the seller took a far away picture of the Atlantis II cart. Also CPUWIZ where were you when I posted before the auction ended that I thought this auction was a fake? Whether you like it or not there was a perception by most people that the cart was a fake (and rightfully so)before the auction ended. Here is the fact, I see my 2 labels, I see Decypher's label and I see 5th ghost's label. They all have the blue border, star to the left, and lowered dome. That's 4 for 4. Now all of the sudden someone fishy comes out who has a different label. Yeah I am going to think this is a fake.

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You know what? Screw it. Seems like people are going to argue with me just for the sake of arguing. So yeah whatever. I will concede on some points.

1. The seller is super trustworthy and honest.

2. The seller did all he could to dispell the myth that his cart was fake.

3. Everyone thought his cart was real.

4. I guess we now know the real value of Atlantis II is $300.


Ok, all you Atlantis II haters win good job. :)


Also one thing though. I don't freaking care if this cart becomes a valuable as a regular Atlantis cart. My Atlantis II carts will always be the Holy Grails of my collection. So whatever, I guess we should focus on with this cart is that it is a hack and nothing else matters. Because I guess in some peoples eyes all hacks are the same(Except for the NWC of course because it is NES). I am sorry I got sucked into this. I did not think people were going to try to make the claim that the cart was real. It was an angle I did not see anyone arguing. I have had my say and feel free to rip away as to how this guy's cart is real and how anyone is a moron to own this game because it is just a hack.

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I have had my say and feel free to rip away as to how this guy's cart is real and how anyone is a moron to own this game because it is just a hack.


Hey! I´m on your side here. :) I don´t believe for a moment the cart is real, but I´d *like* to know all the same.


I don't know if it's real, but I hope that whoever bought it gets a pleasant surprise.

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I didn't like the size of the pictures. Far too small to see any real details.


Whether the cart had a border or not around the night scene or the presence of stars or not, really does not concern me. We're talking about a massproduced label here. Sure maybe all the known A2 carts have had a similar label so far, that does not rule out that some regular night scene Atlantis carts could exist with exactly the same label. Or that some Atlantis IIs exist with alternate labels, just not accounted for yet.



One thing I was wondering about in the first screen shot, looks as if the score was 5 digits long at the bottom. You would have to play a fairly long time or be really good at the game to achive a score like that. So maybe he was an original owner (contestant), or.. maybe he was playing Atlantis 1 and doc'ed the photos up a bit to help sell the game? The second screenshot does look to be an Atlantis II score but a kroc cart, or a repo of some sort could have just as easily made that image appear on his screen.



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You know what? Screw it. Seems like people are going to argue with me just for the sake of arguing. So yeah whatever. I will concede on some points.

1. The seller is super trustworthy and honest.

2. The seller did all he could to dispell the myth that his cart was fake.

3. Everyone thought his cart was real.

4. I guess we now know the real value of Atlantis II is $300.


Ok, all you Atlantis II haters win good job. :)


Also one thing though. I don't freaking care if this cart becomes a valuable as a regular Atlantis cart. My Atlantis II carts will always be the Holy Grails of my collection. So whatever, I guess we should focus on with this cart is that it is a hack and nothing else matters. Because I guess in some peoples eyes all hacks are the same(Except for the NWC of course because it is NES). I am sorry I got sucked into this. I did not think people were going to try to make the claim that the cart was real. It was an angle I did not see anyone arguing. I have had my say and feel free to rip away as to how this guy's cart is real and how anyone is a moron to own this game because it is just a hack.


Dude, relax and don't let others make u question the value of your stuff. I for one hope the game is real for the buyer's sake......I am a little skeptical on the buyer with zero feedback also........could it have been a buddy of the seller's trying to push the bid up for him?



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The biggest difference label-wise I see is the presence of a black border around the laser explosion. This does not exist on the night label type used for Atlantis II.


I'd rather have an "original owner-decorated" label on a real AII than a pretty (albeit incorrect) label on a faked AII.

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