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Numen FX run on plain 800XL 64k


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With some "Numen" back in the 80s, there possibly were enough potential coders for doing so. But today?

How much money will you spent to coders for learning all about the A8 (more than using all players for one "sprite" and hardly trying to create a charset...)


[Ahem] Some of us (relative) newbies don't do that with the Atari... =-)


I bet, millions of $ would be necessary.

The huge amount of still active C64 coders is self talking.


None of us (speaking as a C64 coder in this sentence just to thoroughly confuse issues) gets paid a penny for what we do because it's more a case of doing it because we want to; i write code because i want to see machne X do thing Y, so if Carmel wants to see Numen bettered then a rousing call to arms for other people probably isn't the way to go about it...

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