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Messiah Wireless NES controllers


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In general, any NES/SNES controller conversions will require significant effort because the Nintendo controllers (in fact most controllers after the 7800) are serial devices (with one wire/pin for all control signals) while the Atari/Sega controllers are parallel devices (with one wire/pin for each button or direction). For a typical controller conversion you rewire the controller, but that would defeat the wireless nature of the device in this case. You'd need to somehow de-serialize the output of the wireless reciever and make it into something the 7800 could handle. A little more work than rewiring.

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I got an advantage style controller that actually came with two IR recivers. You could hook one to the NES, adn the other one to the 2600 (or any system that used the 9 pin parallel port I suppose) Cool concept, but like most wireless of this time, there is a delay, due to it's IR nature.


The Camerica Freedom Stick is what I have. No other real data though that I can give.


I'll see if I can dig it out later and get a pic of it.

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Yeah, pretty much. But it's wireless, and cheaper feeling (though still pretty well built)


Darn, couldn't find the cable to hook my camera up. But the IR reciever is the same. It just has a 25 pin parallel cable you pull out the back and swap out with a different one for the NES/Atari hookup.


I think I'll hook it to my test cart and see if any of the other buttons regester as anything on there sometime.

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Yeah, pretty much. But it's wireless, and cheaper feeling (though still pretty well built)


Darn, couldn't find the cable to hook my camera up. But the IR reciever is the same. It just has a 25 pin parallel cable you pull out the back and swap out with a different one for the NES/Atari hookup.


I think I'll hook it to my test cart and see if any of the other buttons regester as anything on there sometime.


I used to have one of those a long time ago, I got it instead of the NES Advantage since it also works on the 7800, and my 7800 sticks were shot. I'm almost positive it supports the 2 button scheme, and I remember it was advertised as a 7800 controller. Unfortunately it broke when I lost my temper and threw it down while playing 1943.

Edited by gdement
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