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Shadow of the Beast & Menace for A8

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@Jetboot Jack


Ahhh... now I see where the confusion came from. You were taking my comments personally because you were personally involved in the A8 Shadow of the Beast. I didn't know that and was naturally surprised by your reaction. Sorry if my comments sounded harsh. :)


Me, i wouldn't have actually played it but i didn't play the Amiga one after a couple of very frustrating hours and i own the C64 version on cartridge and it's only booted once in a blue moon.


I played Amiga Shadow of the Beast to death. I played it backwards and forwards. There's a bug if you take the laser gun out of the castle where the main character runs backwards and punches with a dislocated fist in the wrong direction. I completed whole areas with my guy backwards like that. :D


Seriously, what kind of an Amiga setup are you using to post here?


I'm using an A500 in original case. See some screenshots.

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Glad to hear this - I played the ST version and didnt 'get it' - I figured it was a 1/2 hearted ST port vs just being a so so game :)

Holy crap dude-- did you just type "1/2" to save yourself the effort of typing "half"?


Wow... just wow.


And you posted just to razz him about typing 1/2 instead of half?


Wow... just wow.




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Glad to hear this - I played the ST version and didnt 'get it' - I figured it was a 1/2 hearted ST port vs just being a so so game :)

Holy crap dude-- did you just type "1/2" to save yourself the effort of typing "half"?


Wow... just wow.

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Whichever works for you ;)

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Some of us don't have every classic computer produced, so arguments like "get an Amiga to play SOTB" don't fly (with me)... personally, I think we did lose something when these games didn't get completed.


Never heard of an Emulator to play said game? lol


I just think a line should be drawn when ports are made. SOTB should of never been ported to 8-bits. That's just me. It's like porting Half Life to run on a 486 VGA. That is just wrong! lol

Edited by tjlazer
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The issue with Shadow of the Beast was that it was as much a tech-demo as it was a real game. Most bought it to show off the system to friends ("Hey - bet you're sorry you got that ST now!")


I don't think anyone here is saying they don't want to see the game for the A8 or that they are glad it never saw daylight. Everybody here wants more Atari games.


On the same token, I would not mind if the game was released for the Atari Lynx handheld. But if it we're to ever be released on the Lynx, I'd think that no matter how well it was ported, it would not feel the same as it did on the Amiga. The Amiga version was a hit because it was so Amiga-like. I think that's what MrA500 and others here were trying to say.


I also agree with the author that there is something cool about these two games remaining half-finished. We get to see a glimpse of how a game like SOTB would have looked had it come out on the 8-bit Atari.


Menace was superceeded by some much better side scrolling shooters, but it didstand on it's own as a decent game. I think it was more playable than Beast and for that reason, I'm dissapointed to know a port was in the works but not completed.

Edited by FastRobPlus
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What's possible, what not....

People who like the original may take a listen... ;-)


The 4ch version is OK. i think. But I'm no musician, perhaps it could be done better.

Then there are two 1.79MHz filter tests.... still problematic pitch issues are there, which means that with different filter settings, the played pitch isn't the wanted one. So only some settings are possible which I want to demonstrate. Another prob is that the melody runs on two channels.... sine I'm no musician, I'm not sure how to make one voice out of them, so only one voice of the two is played.

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I'm using an A500 in original case. See some screenshots.



What kind of accelerator do you have in there? Also what version of Amiga OS is that? The last I had was 3 and it didn't look that slick! I remember using Ibrowse and Aweb and Amosiac but they were all REALLY slow on my stock cpu A500 (altho it had 8 megs of ram, 1 meg of chip ram, and a hard drive...).

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even if Shadow of the Beast was somehow released for the A8, it would absolutely suck


Admittedly, buying the back catalog of a company known for "graphics over gameplay" seems a poor choice now, years later, with the benefit of hindsight - but then again, customers had their own emotional attachments to their systems of choice.


I've yet to be convinced that atari owners would be immune to a good fully playable tech demo that pushed the capabilities of their system...

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I'm using an A500 in original case. See some screenshots.



What kind of accelerator do you have in there? Also what version of Amiga OS is that? The last I had was 3 and it didn't look that slick! I remember using Ibrowse and Aweb and Amosiac but they were all REALLY slow on my stock cpu A500 (altho it had 8 megs of ram, 1 meg of chip ram, and a hard drive...).


I've got the Viper 520 with 33Mhz 68020 and 8Mb RAM. This is Workbench 3.1 (3.0 ROMs). I made all my own graphics, GUI elements and fonts - optimized for 16-colour.


Notice my "Games" folder. It has the Psygnosis owl from Beast. Shadow of the Beast is the main reason I bought my Amiga in the first place. The colours, music and speed blew me away.

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A Sprite said "buying the back catalog of a company known for "graphics over gameplay" seems a poor choice now, years later, with the benefit of hindsight"


Thing is it wasn't the back catalogue in 1989/1990 - it was the latest and greatest, that (IMHO false to a certain extent) attitude that Psygnosis did not make good games was not prevalent then :)


Everyone who didn't have an Amiga wanted those games too...



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Thats one of the nicest 16 color workbench setups Ive ever seen.


What all "workbench enhancers" are you running?


That's a kewl setup you got. I had 4 A3000-040s, an A3000T-040, and STACKS of A1000,A2000, A1200, A500,etc.


I sold it all and only kept a single A500+


Its got a Derringer 030/882-50mhz with 32megs 32bit fastram, 8megs 16bit fastram, and 2 megs chipram.


The hardisk is a Supra "sidecar" type and its got a 500meg drive in it.



It has 1.3 kickroms in it (best for floppy games & demos) and when you boot from the hardisk, it "rekicks" with the 3.1 ROM image, and then boots OS 3.9.


The more I think about it, I might switch back to OS 1.3 on the hardisk as well. It seems like most of the Apps I like to run are the old 1.3 ERA ones that really SCREAM on an accelerated machine.


I have over 3000 Amiga floppies, that Ive been collecting since 1989. Ive also got a HUGE ASSED collection of MODs.




I'll say this at the risk of pissing off some atari ST people (because I really feel its the truth.)


I had a falcon (14megs ram, hardisk, etc.) for about 6 months (My friend's boss sold me the whole system, fully loaded and setup nice, when he finally went to a G3 powermac for his music applications.)


I traded it off because someone REALLY wanted it and made me an offer I couldnt refuse.


The falcon had a pretty desktop, and sound quality that was truly exceptional. But all in all, I can do a whole lot more with this AMIGA. In fact theres really no comparisson when you look at software & hardware support.

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WoS say SotB on the 8-bit Spectrum kicks the humbled Amiga arse (ass).

Official UK release from Gremlin Graphics:





Besides Spectrum (and C-64), SotB was also released on following 8-bitters:

Amstrad CPC, SMS, Lynx.


Lynx box:




Thomas complete Lynx collection:


Edited by thomasholzer
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So perhaps for you A8 SOTB would absolutley suck, but for all those non Amiga owning A8 owners it might have been a great way to spend £10, and swim with the mainstream games industry for a while...


Similar deals that saw the release of titles like Lemmings and Alien 3 are what kept the C64 afloat in it's later years; doesn't matter that the very best games (since both of those ports were also rather well coded on the C64) were the original ones, having a name like those, Beast or even the hideous C64 "port" of Street Fighter 2 to wave around and say "look what we can do" will never hurt a machine's longevity.


Thing is it wasn't the back catalogue in 1989/1990 - it was the latest and greatest, that (IMHO false to a certain extent) attitude that Psygnosis did not make good games was not prevalent then


i still look at the majority of Psygnosis' output and find them enjoyable; Blood Money is excellent, Leander and Killing Game Show very good, the later Beast games where there was more depth are not at all bad even if not my thing as such, Agony and Wiz 'n' Liz are superb... sure there's a few places in that catalogue where the presentation and graphics were everything and the playability got forgotten, but that's true of every company.

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Thats one of the nicest 16 color workbench setups Ive ever seen.


What all "workbench enhancers" are you running?


Its got a Derringer 030/882-50mhz with 32megs 32bit fastram, 8megs 16bit fastram, and 2 megs chipram.


Thanks. I don't want to go too much off topic here because this thread is supposed to be about A8 Beast, but with your A500+ specs you should be able to have a Workbench setup that blows mine away. The two things I need (well, besides more colours) are RAM and speed and you've got more than me. I'm just using the standard enhancement programs like VisualPrefs, Birdie, TitleShadow.


I have over 3000 Amiga floppies, that Ive been collecting since 1989. Ive also got a HUGE ASSED collection of MODs.


In that case, your ASS is probably bigger than my ASS. ;)


I've got about 1400 Amiga floppies, but besides using them as frisbees, they're not much use. All my stuff is on HD and I can download anything I don't yet have.

Edited by Mr.Amiga500
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A Sprite said "buying the back catalog of a company known for "graphics over gameplay" seems a poor choice now, years later, with the benefit of hindsight"


Thing is it wasn't the back catalogue in 1989/1990 - it was the latest and greatest, that (IMHO false to a certain extent) attitude that Psygnosis did not make good games was not prevalent then :)


Everyone who didn't have an Amiga wanted those games too...




Psygnosis did make some of the best games back then: Shadow of the Beast II and III are actually fun games, also Leander, Agony, Project X, Lemmings damn there are too many to list. At any rate they made a lot of great games. I find the ST and PC versions of most of their games to be pretty bad but the Amiga versions were really really good. A lot of the wow factor has worn off nowadays but its unfair to say they didn't make good games.

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Thats one of the nicest 16 color workbench setups Ive ever seen.


What all "workbench enhancers" are you running?


Its got a Derringer 030/882-50mhz with 32megs 32bit fastram, 8megs 16bit fastram, and 2 megs chipram.


Thanks. I don't want to go too much off topic here because this thread is supposed to be about A8 Beast, but with your A500+ specs you should be able to have a Workbench setup that blows mine away. The two things I need (well, besides more colours) are RAM and speed and you've got more than me. I'm just using the standard enhancement programs like VisualPrefs, Birdie, TitleShadow.


I have over 3000 Amiga floppies, that Ive been collecting since 1989. Ive also got a HUGE ASSED collection of MODs.


In that case, your ASS is probably bigger than my ASS. ;)


I've got about 1400 Amiga floppies, but besides using them as frisbees, they're not much use. All my stuff is on HD and I can download anything I don't yet have.


All this talk makes me wish I still had an Amiga set up. I figured I buy an A1200 when they became cheap in a few years after Commodore's demise that never happened and went PC for awhile until Apple switched to Intel. I would love to get an a1200 or a3000 but even today I can't afford one... I played just about every Amiga game to death back in the day anyway.

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I own nearly all retro systems, but the Atari 8-bit and Amiga are the only ones I have on my desk ready to be booted.

These are the 'magic' ones for me.

It's a shame that as fallout from the Atari vs. C= lawsuit, Miner and Co had to basicly disavow the A8 and maintain (to the grave) that the A8 was NOT the Amiga's true ancestor.

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I own nearly all retro systems, but the Atari 8-bit and Amiga are the only ones I have on my desk ready to be booted.

These are the 'magic' ones for me.

It's a shame that as fallout from the Atari vs. C= lawsuit, Miner and Co had to basicly disavow the A8 and maintain (to the grave) that the A8 was NOT the Amiga's true ancestor.


I agree with that.. Two best machines of each of their respective eras..

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Well thank you Mr.Amiga500, personally I had pretty high hopes for the project myself at the time.

I would have loved to have seen A8 SoTB back then. Would be interesting today as well, just not quite the same impact. :)


I'll say this at the risk of pissing off some atari ST people (because I really feel its the truth.)

Okay, I'll admit it - I've got multiple STs (including STacy) and a Falcon, but the machines I regularly have set out for the golden age of 16bit computing are an Amiga 1200 w/GVP030 and a CD32 SX32MK2. Those beasties combined with WHDload are almost unbeatable! :cool:


WoS say SotB on the 8-bit Spectrum kicks the humbled Amiga arse (ass).

I've got to check it out, I FINALLY after all these years have a Spectrum machine (+2) and got myself one of those incredible DivIDE devices. :D

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WoS say SotB on the 8-bit Spectrum kicks the humbled Amiga arse (ass).

Official UK release from Gremlin Graphics:





Heh. Well. Those guys are f*cking insane spectrum-dorks.. Theres no way in hell that even begins to compete with the amiga version.


Thats like saying that the 2600 version of pacman kicks the humbled COIN OP version's arse (ass)

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