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eBay, 5200, no workie


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So yeah, bought a 5200 on eBay, guy with a good rating, claimed the system worked.


Got it last week and tore into it, looked really clean, still has the plastic covering the silver bits on the console and controllers, light scratching. System powers on, but didn't have a TV/Game switch box (2 port model), so I found one on my 2600 which was in storage.


Popped in the only game I have for the system (Adv.2), powered on...


Atari Logo is in black and white

Text at the bottom appears correct (says Adventure II © 2007 etc)


Screen blanks out and nothing. No response from joysticks, etc. Fiddled with the joysticks for a bit, but no response.


Anyone have any suggestions? Should I just assume the system doesn't work and try for another one? This would be the second time i've made a purchase off eBay, and the second time the console was not exactly as claimed.


My concern at this point is that the system is busted and if it's salvageable, or is the game not working because i'm guessing the exchange period isn't much more than a month.


At any rate, hopefully someone here has some ideas. i don't have a problem opening the system, but please speak in small words, i'm not an electronics guru though I have access to test equipment and people who can help, just need a direction.


Thanks much,


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Yeah, play with channel selections for color.


Did the guy claim it was completely tested and working, including the controllers? Pretty much any 5200 controller you get, unless it's been cleaned very recently or rebuilt is going to have issues. If he misrepresented it you should hit him up for a partial refund and put that money towards a rebuild kit for the joysticks.

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Does it act the same if you turn it on with the cartridge inserted but no controllers attached?


Does fiddling with the channel select switch improve the color on either channel?


I'll try the no controllers attached thing again when I get home (i'm at work now), but lets assume, "Yes" that it does behave the same way with or without the controllers.


Tried the Channel Selector switch in both positions, same result. I put in an order for the 8bitdomain video upgrade board, wondering if that'll fix whatever problem is occuring. Problem is board is back-ordered for like 3-4 weeks.


Yeah, play with channel selections for color.


Did the guy claim it was completely tested and working, including the controllers? Pretty much any 5200 controller you get, unless it's been cleaned very recently or rebuilt is going to have issues. If he misrepresented it you should hit him up for a partial refund and put that money towards a rebuild kit for the joysticks.


Just checked the listing...

Atari 5200 Game Console


2 controllers & adaptor


Powers up but untested no games


Very good condition


Meaning, I got exactly what I paid for. I opened one of the controllers, it's pretty clean checked a couple contacts with a quick continuity check, so not a completely awful buy. Probably just need to try my luck again. :( God I hate eBay.

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There is a color delay pot inside the 5200 that can cause the picture to have no color if it is not adjusted properly.


To adjust it, remove the top cover from the 5200, then put in your cartridge and when the color logo appears, turn the color adjustment pot all the way right and left. If color suddenly appears continue to adjust the pot until the hue of the on screen colors appears correct.


This pot is on the right side of the PCB with a white cover. There is a smaller pot with a blue cover at the bottom right corner of the PCB, that one is for analog controller adjustment and should probably be left alone at this point.



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There is a color delay pot inside the 5200 that can cause the picture to have no color if it is not adjusted properly.


To adjust it, remove the top cover from the 5200, then put in your cartridge and when the color logo appears, turn the color adjustment pot all the way right and left. If color suddenly appears continue to adjust the pot until the hue of the on screen colors appears correct.


This pot is on the right side of the PCB with a white cover. There is a smaller pot with a blue cover at the bottom right corner of the PCB, that one is for analog controller adjustment and should probably be left alone at this point.




Thanks Steve for that suggestion, I'll try it tonight, stuff happened over the weekend, I didn't have time to tinker around. Think this color delay pot will fix the problem of the game not loading?


Yeah, I need another cart, anyone got a spare lying around they are trying to sell? Will buy a lot if you don't want to sell just 1. Drop me a PM and i'll get back to you. It'd be nice if the cart was bad and the POT adjustment fixes the problem, that would make me very happy.

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Did you try cleaning the cart port contacts? Clean them with thin cloth wrapped around a credit card (or something similar) dipped in rubbing (90% is best) alcohol. Be easy with it as you don't wont to bend the pins. Let the alcohol dry out and try the cart. Repeat the cleaning process a few times and hopefully it'll start working.


EDIT: Removing the top cover makes this easier as the connector will be fully exposed. Use an old toothbrush and scrub it with alcohol. Also I have an extra Space Invaders cart I'd let go for $3 shipped. PM me if your interested.

Edited by Prodos8
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OK, ProDos, thanks for the Space Invaders cart. It works. I found out that the controllers I have are both thrashed pretty badly so I suppose I'll have to rebuild them or blab blab blab.


So on to the problems remaining:


Color is still not there, video is poor at best. So I suppose I'll clean the cart port again and try adjusting the POT mentioned earlier.


Also, the Adventure 2 cart. Not sure if it's the cart or the system. If one game works, what are the odds that another won't work assuming both carts are OK?


Did I ask that right? Guess I'm looking for round 2 of suggestions.


thanks again everyone for all the help.


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If your not getting color, even after adjusting the color pot, the GTIA chip is probably bad. You can get a new one from Best Electronics. Is it a 4-port or 2-port? If its the 4-port maybe the dedicated switch box is bad?


I'm somewhat new to the 5200, so I really don't have much to suggest.

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If your not getting color, even after adjusting the color pot, the GTIA chip is probably bad. You can get a new one from Best Electronics. Is it a 4-port or 2-port? If its the 4-port maybe the dedicated switch box is bad?


I'm somewhat new to the 5200, so I really don't have much to suggest.

2-port, and I think the switch is bad, so I'm gonna grab a RCA to coax from radio shack today.


I ordered one of the s-video upgrade boards from 8-bitdomain, but god knows when that'll get here, been a couple weeks at least, site says 3-4 weeks for delivery.


GTIA might be bad. Maybe I"ll email Bradley at Best, I work about 3 minutes from Best Electronics, see if he'll take a look and give me a recommendation.


Thanks again,


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