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Mount a Network Share in MiNT

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I'm using Easymint with th 1.16 kernel, Xaaes, and Teradesk. I would like to find a way to mount a network share (drive or directory) so that I can open it up in a window on the desktop and do file operations.


I've read about a few things, which are limited to command line browsing and file transfers like using the command line version of ftp. This is not what I need. I've successfully mounted a network share on a Windows XP machine using Sharity Light and the following command:


shlight //computer/directory /nfs/name -U username -P password


The "computer" is my Windows system name

The "directory" is the name of the directory set to be shared from the Windows system

The "name" is whatever you want to call it on the Atari side, but this must be preceeded by /nfs/ or it will not work

The user and password were created on the Windows XP system so I can login to access the share


I also had to add a line to my /etc/hosts file, which included the IP address [TAB] then the name of the computer that I was trying to connect to: computer


Still, all I can do is go to the TosWin shell on the Atari system and type cd /nfs/name, then dir or ls to show the contents. I'm sure there are commands to copy a file back and forth, but it is much easier to do that with and FTP client.


What I want to know, is whether there is any way at all that I can mount a network share as, for example O:


MiNT supports NFS, Samba, and Sharity Light, although I can't find any clear information as to how to mount a share so it appears as a device. This is sometimes referred to as a device mount. I just want to open a window in Teradesk (or any desktop) so I can get to work on archiving my software to the server. I have a monumental amount of work to do, and command line would kill me.


If anyone has figured this out, please share your advice.



Edited by crash
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Well, SAMBA works well with Linux, at least. I've not tried it on MiNT. The config file for it is iirc smbd.conf or something similar. It's pretty easy. Basically you make a mount point, then tell smbd how to export it, and some config about what users and perissions. Samba has a great deal of usage information on the web, notably starting with http://us3.samba.org/samba/.


Samba itself runs as a daemon, and I don't know what MiNT does about those.

Edited by danwinslow
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It turns out that I just needed to go to U:/nfs/Atari and my share was ready to browse :D


I'm using Teradesk, so I made a desktop icon that points to U:/nfs/Atari and now I have easy access to the files on my PC. No more running around with a floppy disk, woohoo!

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Okay, after doing some more experimenting, I have found a problem.


I have mounted a Windows PC share with Sharity Light, and an Netware server NFS share with NFS, but these are only functioning as read only. I can't determine how to "login" using NFS.


With Sharity, I am using the following command:


shlight //PC/Downloads /nfs/Downloads -U username -P password


(actual usernames and passwords are used)


With NFS, I am using the following command


mount_nfs -o suid server:/data /nfs/data


Any attempt to copy a file to either of these shares results in:


Access Denied.

Item is protected

or it already exists


I've made sure that I my user on the PC has appropriate rights to read and write to the PC. I've tried to add user rights for NFS, but I don't see any way to use a username or password with the NFS command. If NFS access is left at anonymous, I can browse and download fine.





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I am not sure how the Netware server NFS works, but in Linux you have to define rights in /etc/exports file for each line.

This is from man page:

# example of /etc/exports
/			   master(rw) trusty(rw,no_root_squash)
/projects	   proj*.local.domain(rw)
/usr			*.local.domain(ro) @trusted(rw)
/home/joe	   pc001(rw,all_squash,anonuid=150,anongid=100)
/pub			(ro,insecure,all_squash)

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  • 2 years later...

I am not sure how the Netware server NFS works, but in Linux you have to define rights in /etc/exports file for each line.


It is pretty much the same, with slightly different syntax in the exports file. The web based imanager application makes these changes so I don't edit the exports file directly.


I've verified that the host has read/write access, but still get this error. I don't know if this originates from Mint, the NFS module, the server, or Teradesk at this point. I can mount all three of the network shares, browse them, and transfer files to the Mint system without any problem - but I can't copy a single file from the Mint system to the server, which is annoying since this was my objective.



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I am not sure how the Netware server NFS works, but in Linux you have to define rights in /etc/exports file for each line.


It is pretty much the same, with slightly different syntax in the exports file. The web based imanager application makes these changes so I don't edit the exports file directly.


I've verified that the host has read/write access, but still get this error. I don't know if this originates from Mint, the NFS module, the server, or Teradesk at this point. I can mount all three of the network shares, browse them, and transfer files to the Mint system without any problem - but I can't copy a single file from the Mint system to the server, which is annoying since this was my objective.




Personally, I'd take this to the experts on the MINT mailing list.

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Thanks for the tip. I wasn't aware that there was one :)


Yep, been around for quite some time too - some very knowledgeable people on there.


mint@lists.fishpool.fi is an address - hang on a sec...




is an archive...


and here is where you subscribe I think:





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There's no issues using Sharitylight to write to the shared folder on the PC.

I have been doing that often on my Atari & Windoze. Granted that I only share from WinXP and not from Netware.


The error you stated, I would get if I forget to give write permissions on the share. As default shares are readonly, it an simple mistake to forget to permit write. But I suppose you shared the folders with correct permissions.


The only other thing I can think of is that the password may have failed due to upper case conversion by default. You need put put -C to stop this conversion. However, it seems that you can still access it, so may not be a password problem.

My webpage http://phsw.110mb.com/nw-shlight.html says something of this conversion.

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I'll be sure to give these another try with Sharity. Since both were failing with the same permission denied for file creation error, I assumed that Mint was incorrectly configured. Thanks to a helpful user on the Mint mailing list, I've learned that I was doing it correctly, but the problem was (and is) with the server. I still don't have NFS working properly, but at least I'm confident that the problem isn't on the client side.


The user I'm corresponding with can confirm that NFS does work in Mint.



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  • 6 years later...

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