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Rent Wars - a review


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Background story.


Joe Cody of Atari2600.com recently asked the founder of First Star software as to why the game was shelved and not released back in 1983.


"At the time we had RWars finished we did not feel it was up to our

standards...compared with the other games e.g. BD, Bristles, Flip & Flop,

Spy vs. Spy Vol. 1, as set by Astro Chase....our first game.

The decision was based on the cost to manufacture and market a title ...as

well...as the concern it didn't come up to our standards. = the types of

factors any publisher needs to address when deciding what resources to

apply and how best to apply them."



There´s still a bit uncertainty as to whether the game was in fact programmed originally for the 5200 or the Atari 8-bit, but one thing´s for certain; the 5200 is the only platform the game is available for. First Star usually created their games for multiplatform release but apparently not so with Rent Wars. The decision to shelve the game was probably the deciding factor in this.


The game has been produced in a limited run of only 100 copies. Mine is #11/100 (programmed onto the title screen btw, which I think is a nice feature).


The game


Anyway. The game´s basically a two player game, with the player pitted against either the 5200 or another player.

Both take on the role of a landlord that needs to furnish the most apartments within a given timeframe, so that the tennants can begin to move in.

These timeframes are split into periods of three months. The landlord with the most apartments furnished at the end of each timeframe get´s the most money.


It does matter how you furnish the apartments though. Before every quarter you´ll see a graphic representation of exactly which pieces of furniture you´ll need to collect. Any other furniture you grab won´t affect your score in the first quarter, but from the 2nd quarter and onwards, grabbing furniture you don´t need will be deducted from your paycheck.

In this way, the game does seem like an advanced kind of memory. Battle memory, if you will.






The game itself places both you and your adversary at the bottom of the screen. At the top of the screen a truck moves back and forth dispensing of all the different types of furniture downscreen. To begin with the pace is pretty slow, but by the 4th quarter the furniture drops at an alarming speed.


So. You use the joystick to move your landlord left and right. Moving it upwards extends his arm (Mr. Fantastic-style) and pushing the button while your hand is placed on a piece of furniture secures it for you.

You *can* push the other landlord to the side in order to get some of the pieces from his side of the screen, but that´ll make your own landlord tired and he´ll move slower for a while.


An apartment is furnished when one of each of the chosen pieces of furniture is secured. You don´t have to do it any particular order though.


At the end of the fourth quarter, the landlord with the most apartments furnished is declared the winner.






It´s absolutely great how you can trail behind your opponent for a while and still come out the winner in the end. Nothing is given until the end of December. This is frantic two-player mayhem at its best.




Not a low as such, but I´d really have liked an indicator of exactly how tired your landlord is at any given time.




In a way, it´s probably a good thing for the game that it didn´t come out back in 1983. Personally I think it´s on par with the other First Star releases, but 1983 was a troubled year for the videogame industry and Rent Wars wouldn´t have made that big of a mark on history, I´m afraid.


Now it gets the advantage of the Nostalgia Nod as well as a retro-community starved for new, old releases.



Presentation 75%

"Handicap" options. Nice intro screen. Box, manual and cart very professionally made.


Graphics 68%

Not pushing the 5200 in any way, but colorful and they get the job done.


Sound 60%

Title-tune gets a bit annoying after a while, but the sound effects are alright.


Playability 90%

Instantly likeable. Frantic, competitive and above all fun.


Lastability 88%

As a two player game I don´t think you can have more fun on a 5200. One player game is fun also, but this game was created with two players in mind.


Overall 80%

Not an essential purchase, but a nice flashback to 1983.


Screenshots and top interview courtesy of Atari2600.com

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Is this ROM available? I wanna try it out on my multicart. Sounds interesting.


I don´t believe it is. Since both First Star software, Atari2600.com and Mean Hamster Software are involved in the process of getting it released commercially, it might not happen anytime soon, if ever.

I could be wrong though.

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