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Should I trade my 800XL for an XEGS?


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Well, the XE will be more useful, extra memory, and will play pretty much anything other than a handful of the 800 line games.

The XE however has a history of bad RAM, and in general lower build quality than the original 800.

Some folk think that the 800 has a better keyboard, but if you are only gaming then its of no real importance.


Get an SIO2PC lead and a Maxflash cart from Atarimax to complete the system

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I think the 800 is a pretty cool looking machine. And even though I have an 800XL and an XEGS, I'd keep it if I had been able to get one so cheap.


Yeah, it's memory is limited, and so there will be some games you will only be able to use on the XE. But then, there are some games that will only work on the original 400 and 800 computers.


I have an XE Game System, which from what I understand is equivalent to the 65XE. At least on the XEGS, the cart slot is on the top!


The 800 is so heavy because it's built so well! Basically, with an 800 and a 130XE, you'd have the front and end of the 8 bit line covered. My advice is keep 'em both.

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Ha, you're like my girlfriend's worst nightmare!


Thanks for the bits of advice--glad to hear I'm not the only one who hates that cartridge port...

The 800 is so heavy because it's built so well! Basically, with an 800 and a 130XE, you'd have the front and end of the 8 bit line covered. My advice is keep 'em both.
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