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A8 vs NES (Power and graphical capabilities)

Ross PK

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^ I can't actually imagine The Eidolon being faithfully reproduced on the NES.


Which makes me think, could Mercanary be done as good or better on the NES?


Better? No way in hell.


As good?


No clue. Only vector game I've seen on NES is a homebrew Elite. The NES has only one advantage over the Atari 8 bit line, and it's not applicable to making good 3D games.


2D games, of course, are a different story.





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48 (?) colour palette.


25 colours per line


I've heard so many variations of what the NES's color capabilities actually are that I'm reluctant to believe anything anymore. It's got 48 colors, no wait - 52, no wait 64, no wait 256.


It can put 13 on screen, no wait 25, no wait 52.


At the end of the day, Nintendo delivered what people wanted in the second half of the 1980s and Atari did not.

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I agree. Atari was having major issues with management when Tramiel took over. Tried to make Atari less of a game company, more business oriented. In the end, the company was ran into the ground. The major mistake Atari made was holding onto the 7800 technology until after Nintendo came out. If the 7800 was released earlier and was advertised, Atari would have been more competitive in the market.


Now the 7800 had a better graphics processor than the Antic/GTIA setup and Atari did plan to market an 8bit computer with the Maria Chip Set. Maybe have both chips in one that allows you to go from one to the other. Think Maria has more sprites, about the same background resolution as Antic. However think it uses the same color Palette as the 8bit systems and an option to use Pokey sound. (2 games used it, had conflicting reports of the chip inside or on the cartridge.)


Atari had alot of issues and options they did not explore or hesitated on and thanks the Tramiels, that is why Atari Computer Division and console game died.

Edited by peteym5
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One thing about the NES, though: it is possibly the only home computer or console to have a decent Galaga port

What about the 7800 version of Galaga? Are you saying you don't think it's as good as the NES version?


It's not, by any stretch of the imagination.

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