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first and last lynx game?


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The first Lynx releases, if I recall correctly were Chip's Challenge, Gates of Zendocon, California Games and one other thing that escapes me right now. All of them were made by Epyx, as Epyx made the Lynx hardware.


The last real game to be released in my opinion would be the batch of Telegames ones -- Fat Bobby, Raiden and ... ??

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Were Electrocop and Gauntlet: Third Encounter available at launch too? Along with Chip's Challenge, California Games, Games of Zendocon, and Blue Lightning, they were the only flat cartridges. (I know Gauntlet isn't on that page, but it has been confirmed to be available in a flat cartridge).



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The last Lynx games released by Atari were Battlezone 2000 and Super Asteroids / Missile Command in 1995. Wow, has it been that long already?


I'm not sure why Dan suggested that the Telegames had the last "real" releases. Even if you discount original hobby-created efforts, Lexis and CyberVirus were both professionally developed, licensed, and eventually published, just as were Fat Bobby, Hyperdrome, and Bubble Trouble.


The most recent release for the Lynx was the CGE cartridge, before that it was CyberVirus.

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