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source atari BASIC, and OS ROM


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Hi folks,


Another question, and for some reason I can't imagine this subject is not on the forum, but with the search function I could not find a thing.


I'm looking for the SOURCE code of Atari Basic (rev. C, but older versions will do too) and the Atari XL/XE OS.


I'm working on some personal modifications, but it is hard without documentation or sources.




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Hi folks,


Another question, and for some reason I can't imagine this subject is not on the forum, but with the search function I could not find a thing.


I'm looking for the SOURCE code of Atari Basic (rev. C, but older versions will do too) and the Atari XL/XE OS.


I'm working on some personal modifications, but it is hard without documentation or sources.




I have the XL/XE OS source listing in ATASCII format, but I'll have to search the A8 archive on my harddisk. Will get back to you. I can't remember as to where and when I found it, though. The header of the text states that it contains the revisions up to rev. 5 Version 0 (4 Sept. 1984). It also states the programmers that contributed to the revisions (e.g. David Crane, R.K. Nordin, Mike Barall and Vincent Wu).

As a remarkable feature, the text refers to some A8 types I have never heard of, like the 900XLF and 900XLFK. Can anyone fill us in on these machines?



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Perhaps this was a typo? I know there is a 800XLF (that is a normal 800XL with Freddie Chip).


I would be very glad with that atascii file. Studying sources of the OS, can clear up a lot of atari things for me :)



I haven't found the documented sourcefile yet (one of my harddrives died on me some time ago, and I now suspect the file was stored on it). All is not lost, though, as I had mailed it to some members of ABBUC a few months ago.

In the meantime here is the source for the 5200, 800 and XL OS, as well as Atari Basic, that Sidney Cadot produced. He claims it assembles without a problem, well, after you convert it to ATASCII.



Do check out the included readme file, and pay a visit to his website at: http://ch.twi.tudelft.nl/~sidney/

BTW, I'm not sure if the types I mentioned are indeed a typo. I know the 800 XLF, I own one of these myself. But what on earth could a XLFK be?



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I would be very glad with that atascii file. Studying sources of the OS, can clear up a lot of atari things for me :)

In addition to my earlier post, here is said source file. Turns out it wasn't stored on the defective harddrive after all. In addition I uploaded another source for Atari Basic I found in my archive.

Let us know about your aims with the sourcecode and the progress you're making!







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The Atari XLFK is the -


XL with the "KERI" chip in it, Keri combined several chips together. I posted the XL OS sources and several other sources up onto Atariage last year, doing a search you will find all of the sources I've posted.









Perhaps this was a typo? I know there is a 800XLF (that is a normal 800XL with Freddie Chip).


I would be very glad with that atascii file. Studying sources of the OS, can clear up a lot of atari things for me :)



I haven't found the documented sourcefile yet (one of my harddrives died on me some time ago, and I now suspect the file was stored on it). All is not lost, though, as I had mailed it to some members of ABBUC a few months ago.

In the meantime here is the source for the 5200, 800 and XL OS, as well as Atari Basic, that Sidney Cadot produced. He claims it assembles without a problem, well, after you convert it to ATASCII.



Do check out the included readme file, and pay a visit to his website at: http://ch.twi.tudelft.nl/~sidney/

BTW, I'm not sure if the types I mentioned are indeed a typo. I know the 800 XLF, I own one of these myself. But what on earth could a XLFK be?



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Thanks to you all!


That is very helpful!




I could not find your post. It is hard to search on "OS" or "XL" because the search engine won't let you search on words below 3 characters. Finally I found your post, but that is with the same (rev. 5) os source.


I found an interesting post of you mention you would put all file version of os (sources?) in a special section.


Is there a place I could find that?

Thanks a lot!



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As a remarkable feature, the text refers to some A8 types I have never heard of, like the 900XLF and 900XLFK. Can anyone fill us in on these machines?




I don't believe that this was a typo. If you will totally disassemble an XEGS keyboard as if to replace the membrane, you will plainly see molded in plastic, in raised text "900XL". I don't think it's a coincidence at all, I suspect that they just changed the name to XEGS at some point. Thanks for the files.

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As a remarkable feature, the text refers to some A8 types I have never heard of, like the 900XLF and 900XLFK. Can anyone fill us in on these machines?




I don't believe that this was a typo. If you will totally disassemble an XEGS keyboard as if to replace the membrane, you will plainly see molded in plastic, in raised text "900XL". I don't think it's a coincidence at all, I suspect that they just changed the name to XEGS at some point. Thanks for the files.

That would make perfect sense, another mystery solved!

BTW, all thanks should go to Curt for initially posting the files last year. I guess I DL'ed them from his post, but just couldn't recall it from my memory. I must be getting old... (sigh).



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I would be very glad with that atascii file. Studying sources of the OS, can clear up a lot of atari things for me :)

In addition to my earlier post, here is said source file. Turns out it wasn't stored on the defective harddrive after all. In addition I uploaded another source for Atari Basic I found in my archive.

Let us know about your aims with the sourcecode and the progress you're making!









Just what kind of system and assembler was used in assembling the OS? I assume it wasn't an Atari...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, they had a custom Macro assembler on the Vax called CAMAC. Most of the HCD compiling was done on VAX 11/750s and 11/780s. Atari's HCD also had an incredible pair of Data General MV8000's which they used for much of the later stuff. They also had a Tandem mainframe as well.



Early CED (Consumer) did work on PDP 11/54's and then later they had 7 Vax 11/730's (each named after the seven dwarfs except for Doc which had to be named DOK for OS reasons. A very important Vax was also called KIM which shared a lot of CED and Coin-Op data on it...


Look for Jed Margolin and Vax and you'll find his site, Ken Van Mersberger and I converted Jed's TU78 Vax tapes for him and he posted a ton of Vax emails onto his site, makes for great reading.






wasnt it a VAX?
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About 900(XL) ...


check this picture I found on the Atari Museum.




Looks like an early draw of what became the XEGS. Keyboard shape already looks almost

final. Just imagine an added big round help button :)





PS: Anyone able to read my mind right now?

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  • 4 weeks later...



It would be interesting to find out the exact machine, OS, and assembler used by OSS to assemble the source code. There are a lot of emulators for those older boxes out there.


I remember reading somewhere that an IMP (goes waaaay back, refer to "Dealers of Lightning".) was used at one point, to develop the macro assembler that was used.


I've included a pretty-printed version of the ATARI BASIC source code, that breaks it up into a modular view that is easy to cross reference with the Source Book. It is identical to the source listed above for download, however, be aware that the very action of pretty-printing it may have broken whitespace rules for the original assembler.


As a side note, the source listed above for download seemed to contain two code comment errors that may have prevented a clean assembly.


In any case, the version that I'm putting up makes studying the ATARI BASIC source a lot easier. I'm also working on an annotated version of this file, which documents each routine, with info from the source book.


I have included my ATARI 1020 vector-style font which looks great in bold, in the Context editor. Context is cool, because it supports multiple tabbed documents & vertical selection.


Be sure to get their 6502 highlighter while you're there.


This font is great for a lot of different engineering needs. I made it by eye from the output of the Atari 1020 plotter. It is very old-school cool. Think Wargames big-board output.



Have fun with it!






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In addition to my earlier post, here is said source file.


The "rev5" XL OS circulating here and there is, IIRC, the "rev. C", which is crippled. It has the PBI routines removed, and it has a "fast" (38,4 kbaud) SIO patch and some "text viewer", a thing which is really deadly necessary in ROM.


Fortunalely Tramiels didn't put it into production because we wouldn't have autobooting PBI harddrives now.

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Could you guys help me understand how the Rev3, Rev3v2, Rev3v3, Rev3v4, Rev4v0 and Rev5v0 versions mentioned in this Rev5 OS source relate, or don't, to the OS versions present in the 65XE, 130XE, 800XE, and XE GS?


Because, according to Freddy's list at http://members.chello.nl/taf.offenga/osroms.txt Rev.3 can be found in an 800XE, and Rev. 4 can be found in an XEGS.


Plus, at some point late 130XE's shipped with a "new" OS revision that knew about the 128K, that didn't have the Function keys in the Keyboard Test, etc. What OS version is this?



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  • 8 months later...

Cross posting because I can. :)


Dumping the text section so people don't need to pull the ASM source:


*** Copyright 1984 ATARI. Unauthorized reproduction, adaptation,

* distribution, performance or display of this computer program

* or the associated audiovisual work is strictly prohibited.

SPACE 4,10

*** OS - Operating System



* This source is currently being refined. Areas which

* need work are indicated by question marks ("???").



* Revision A (400/800)

* D. Crane/A. Miller/L. Kaplan/R. Whitehead??? ??/??/??


* Revision B (400/800)

* Fix several problems.

* M. Mahar/R. S. Scheiman??? ??/??/??


* Revision 10 (1200XL)

* Support 1200XL, add new features.

* H. Stewart/L. Winner???

* R. S. Scheiman/Y. M. Chen/M. W. Colburn 10/26/82


* Revision 11 (1200XL)

* Fix several problems.

* R. S. Scheiman 12/23/82


* Revision 1 (600XL/800XL)

* Support PBI and on-board BASIC.

* R. S. Scheiman/R. K. Nordin/Y. M. Chen 03/11/83


* Revision 2 (600XL/800XL)

* Fix several problems.

* R. S. Scheiman 05/10/83

* Bring closer to Coding Standard (object unchanged).

* R. K. Nordin 11/01/83


* Revision 3 (600XL/800XL/1450XLD)

* Fix MAXDEV, problems resulting from CRASS65 version,

* initial address for RAM sizing, "Boot Error" message,

* initial address for cartridge equivalence checksum,

* mishandling of SIO NAK, initializing of CHKSUM, and

* initialization of PORTB.

* R. K. Nordin 03/27/84


* Revision 3, Version 2 (600XL/800XL/1450XLD)


* Dedicate PDVI ($D1FF) to external parallel device IRQ status

* Dedicate IPDVI ($D1CF) to internal parallel device IRQ status

* Using PDIMSK ($0249) for external parallel device IRQ selection mask

* Using IPDIMK ($0254) for internal parallel device IRQ selection mask

* After masking (PDVI, PDIMSK) & (IPDVI, IPDIMK), OR the result

* together, piror to processing parallel device IRQ


* On cold start, initialize PDVI = 0, to avoid potential

* checksum error.

* Y. T. JANG, V. WU 02/22/84


* Revision 3, Version 3 (600XL/800XL/1450XLD)


* Dedicate the 11 bytes at ACMVAR ($3ED-$3F7) for use as

* a RESET routine area. On warmstart, the OS will JSR

* to ACMVAR immediately after initializing hardware.

* MIKE BARALL 06/08/84



* Revision 3, Version 4 (600XL/800XL/1450XLD)


* Make CIO accept device number 0 (like Rev B did).

* MIKE BARALL 06/21/84


* Revision 4, Version 0 (600XL/800XL/1450XLD)


* Add support for SIO fast mode (38400 baud).

* Add resident Help Text Viewer.

* Remove Peripheral Handler Loading Facility.

* MIKE BARALL 07/16/84


* Revision 5, Version 0 (800XL/800XLF/900XLF/900XLFK)


* Revert to Rev. B device handlers (E:, C:, P:, S:, K:),

* (with bug fixes) to eliminate need for Translator.

* Remove parallel I/O support.

* Fix keyboard display in self-test.




That is a lot more detail than the information here http://members.chello.nl/taf.offenga/osroms.txt

But that link talks about the 14xx series as well:



The following OS roms originate from rare Atari 8-bit systems.

Since I don't own any of these (unfortunately), I don't have much

information about these roms. Who can help me?


I've got two 16K rom dumps from the 1450XLD. Both ID's are rev.3.

The first dated 3/23/1984 comes from the 'Pooldisk Too' CD-ROM

(filename: 1540os3.v0) and the second dated 6/21/1984 was send to

me by Nir Dary (filename: os1450.128). Main differences between

these two are in the first 3K ($C000 - $CBFF).


The XL/XE OS rev.3B is from an Atari from Arabia. It's probably based

on rev.3. There are changes in the fonts (Arab characters) and several

patches in the code. More info at:



Rev. Found in Size CRC-32 Date

~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

3 1450XLD 16kB 0x0d477aa1 3/23/1984

3 1450XLD 16kB 0xd425a9cf 6/21/1984

3B 65XE 16kB 0xf0a236d3 7/21/1984



Something interesting about Rev 5.0:Fix keyboard display in self-test. ?!?!? You mean remove the F keys or something else? I thought I once saw an XE w/o the F keys. Maybe it was a later 65XE. Hmmm

Also, the Revision number is listed at $04 and not $05 as the text describes.

In one of the later routines: 9/6/84? That is even newer that than the code ID and what is ACMI?


* Original Author Unknown ??/??/??

* 1. Bring closer to Coding Standard (object unchanged).

* R. K. Nordin 11/01/83

* 2. Y.T. Jang 05/15/84

* 3. Remove parallel bus & ACMI interrupt processing.

* Mike Barall 09/06/84



* Original Author Unknown ??/??/??

* 1. Bring closer to Coding Standard (object unchanged).

* R. K. Nordin 11/01/83

* 2. a. Remove COLPF1 updating from immediate VBI.

* b. Remove fine scrolling support.

* c. Remove ACMI support.

* d. Remove support for CTRL-FUNCTION keys.

* Mike Barall 09/06/84


Awe.. bye bye function keys..


** HTV - Help Text Viewer


* Saves the screen image to the disk, implements a menu-driven

* disk-based help system, and then restores the screen image.


* This routine will be called if the user presses HELP while

* the "E:" device is waiting for input in graphics mode 0.


* This routine is vectored at HTXTVV for use by applications.


Can you say print screen?




It it also interesting to note that they still call these XL's and not XE's in the source code. The 900XLF was the 65XE was it not? http://www.atarimuseum.com/computers/8bits/xe/65xe/65xe.html


Can anyone do a dump of a 65XE and see if it matches Offenga's notes about 7/21/1984? That would imply yet another version of the OS between REV 4 and REV 5 not listed.


Someone should track down that Michael Barall fellow He did QDOS (DOS 4.0) too.

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