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5200 Blown?


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The 5200 (4-port) is always under the telly in our house. Apparently, we forgot to disconnect the PSU last time we used it, accidentally cranked up the voltage (9 or 12, I believe) and let it be like that for a week or so. Switchbox wasn´t connected to the telly btw.


Next time we fired it up, the sound was gone and the joystick in port 1 occassionally wants to go all the way to the right.


So. Our 5200 has always been a bit temperamental, but have we blown it here?

Any help would be appreciated. I´m not a wiz with a soldering iron, so answers like 4052 and such will mean very little to me. ;)

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The 5200 (4-port) is always under the telly in our house. Apparently, we forgot to disconnect the PSU last time we used it, accidentally cranked up the voltage (9 or 12, I believe) and let it be like that for a week or so. Switchbox wasn´t connected to the telly btw.


Next time we fired it up, the sound was gone and the joystick in port 1 occassionally wants to go all the way to the right.


So. Our 5200 has always been a bit temperamental, but have we blown it here?

Any help would be appreciated. I´m not a wiz with a soldering iron, so answers like 4052 and such will mean very little to me. ;)


Haven't delved into the sound, so can't be of any immediate help there.


The way you worded it, I think the joystick problem happens even when plugging a different controller into the port. Is that true? You have tried it with different controllers in the port?


My first suspicion with an "occasional" issue like that would be a broken wire in the cable somewhere. But, if the problem persists identically with different controllers plugged in, it's not likely the cable. It's possible to have an intermittent failure in an integrated circuit, but more often you'll see a bad solder connection. There are like, maybe, 4052 possible problems. :)


Can you reproduce the controller problem by manipulating the cable where it hooks into the controller or into the plug on the other end?

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