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Here comes the 52 Hunter!

Jess Ragan

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If you've read the Atari 2600 section of my site and wondered where the heck the 5200 coverage was, well, you're in luck!




Submitted for your browsing pleasure are eight new Atari 5200 game reviews, along with a brief history of the system, MY history with the system, technical specifications, and a list of the best and worst software the system has to offer. Feel free to give it a look!

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Atari made the dreadful mistake of anchoring the system to a proprietary controller so awful, it must have flown out of Pandora's box with all the other demons.
once you've moved beyond the mushy, non-centering, oversized, numeric keypad-wielding disaster (or better yet, replaced it with something usable)
I had a suitable alternative to the horrendous controllers included with the unit.
Without the albatross of the fiendish stock controller around my neck


I take it you're not one of the one's who actully likes the 5200 controllers. :ponder:

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Nice job, Jess! I've always liked the look of your site, it's much easier on the eyes than a lot of other classic sites. One of my favorite things to do when I'm bored is to hunt around for game reviews. Yours are usually entertaining, though I'll probably have nightmares about the monkeys from kangaroo now. That game was much better when it was FRUIT that was being flung :|


Speaking of which, you need your head examined if you think Kangaroo is better than Joust :D :P


Hell, I'm shocked that ANYONE does!


Nonsense! If you get one fixed up, they work great for all but about five of the games. I actually prefer them to the Wico sticks, though I will conceed that the Competition Pro stick is the best.

Edited by Lord Thag
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I dunno, man... I was expecting Joust to be a faithful arcade conversion, but it all felt out of whack to me. Ugly characters, busted flapping mechanics, way dumbed down enemy resurrections (the buzzards are supposed to pick UP the knights, dagnabbit!)... I was disappointed to say the very least. Even the NES version with its funky colors was better than that! The unreleased and unfinished ColecoVision version was better, and it didn't even have sound!




So, tell me more about this Competition Pro joystick. I've seen pictures of the Starplex, and it always seemed like the apex of 5200 controllers. It's also murderously expensive and housed in the worst shaped cabinet ever, but you can't have it all! Well, in the case of the Starplex, you can't have it AT all.

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I dunno, man... I was expecting Joust to be a faithful arcade conversion, but it all felt out of whack to me. Ugly characters, busted flapping mechanics, way dumbed down enemy resurrections (the buzzards are supposed to pick UP the knights, dagnabbit!)... I was disappointed to say the very least. Even the NES version with its funky colors was better than that! The unreleased and unfinished ColecoVision version was better, and it didn't even have sound!




So, tell me more about this Competition Pro joystick. I've seen pictures of the Starplex, and it always seemed like the apex of 5200 controllers. It's also murderously expensive and housed in the worst shaped cabinet ever, but you can't have it all! Well, in the case of the Starplex, you can't have it AT all.


Oh I agree, Joust isn't perfect. It's just not as bad as you ranked it, imho. I'd probably swap the ranks you gave it and Kangaroo. The graphical nuances don't bother me as much, I guess, and the 'easy' flapping is was a must with the stock 5200 sticks. Ditto with the 7800 version. I like it much better than that fugly Kangaroo game with all the damned impossible jumps. At least joust PLAYS well, if not quite like the arcade game. Tell you what, I'll go play a few rounds of each and see if my memory is correct.


As to the Competition pro stick, I love it. It's a big, almost arcade style, and set up similar to a very beefy stock 2600 stick with wtin fire buttons. it has a built in y adaptor to connect the regular 5200 stick for the aux and numeric keypads. It's a digital stick, as opposed to analog, and it works great for the Pac games, Hero, Keystone Kapers and the like.


A buddy of mine actually HAS a working 5200 arcade stick he built. That sucker is large and in charge. I'm going to try and build one myself.

Edited by Lord Thag
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A buddy of mine actually HAS a working 5200 arcade stick he built. That sucker is large and in charge. I'm going to try and build one myself.


Let us all have the instructions if you get one up and running please

Edited by mimo
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Wow, the 7800 version of Joust IS good, and I don't even like that system much! I'd dare say it was better than the NES game... it's more colorful and the control is as sharp as a tack. You feel like you're on the moon in the 5200 version and the NES version makes it seem like you're on Jupiter, but the gravity is set juuuust right in the 7800 game.


I'm gonna do some more research on this Competition Pro joystick. It sounds pretty promising, but if it's out of my price range, I'll just settle for my Gameport adapter or finish up the Sega Genesis adapter I started building a few weeks ago.

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Great reviews Jess! I own everyone of thoses games but choplifter and for the most part agree with everything your saying about them.


Am a bit more forgiving than you are on Joust and Frogger(still i perfer the 2600 versions over the 5200 counterparts)and yup not such a big fan myself of the 5200 controllers.Keep up the great work on the site. :)

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Hell, I'm shocked that ANYONE does!


i find nothing wrong with the stock controllers.


Thanks for saying so, they are just fine. Like a Ferrari they need to be tinkered with but when they are tuned up they are the best for that system. But as for Jess, the Comp Pro is okay but not for all games since it's digital. Your best bet, all around, is the Wico Command control with the keyboard (yeah, I know...easier said than done since they are hard to find). Harder still to find is REI's Starcon (again a digital stick but all in one with keyboard and dual buttons). Better than the Masterplay, which is hard to find and IMHO overrated.

But for the standard controller I'd suggest finding a keypad restorer kit from Chemtronics (used for digital keypad contacts). Clean everything, replace the flex circuit, treat the contacts, clean the pots, lift that bale, tote that...sorry! It works great and pretty cheap way to fix all your CX52 sticks.

Edited by TunnelRunner
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Hell, I'm shocked that ANYONE does!


i find nothing wrong with the stock controllers.



Nor I.

From a control standpoint, with the exception of Gorf, I have no problems with the "non self centering" issue. I've said it before, and I'll say again I never heard of anyone ever having a problem with that aspect of the controllers until I joined Atari Age. I knew quite a few people back in the day that owned a 5200, and many more that played on them, and not once did I hear anyone complain about them. Now, as to the fire buttons breaking down? Yes that was (and still is) a problem.

I think the 5200 controllers bad rap comes from 25 years of just a handful who can't adjust to a unique controller, and they pissed and moaned constantly to where over those years it became more of a perception thing. If you're even a halfway decent gamer you can easily adapt to the 5200 sticks. Theyre just different from most is all. I know when I play a game and I suck at it from the start, the easiest thing is to blame the game, or the controller. I think most people do that with the 5200 sticks. Give them a few more tries and you'll get better each time.

Or not. :P

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Wow, the 7800 version of Joust IS good, and I don't even like that system much! I'd dare say it was better than the NES game... it's more colorful and the control is as sharp as a tack. You feel like you're on the moon in the 5200 version and the NES version makes it seem like you're on Jupiter, but the gravity is set juuuust right in the 7800 game.


I'm gonna do some more research on this Competition Pro joystick. It sounds pretty promising, but if it's out of my price range, I'll just settle for my Gameport adapter or finish up the Sega Genesis adapter I started building a few weeks ago.


Yeah, it is. My favorite version, actually. The 7800 has some duds, but a lot of really great Arcade ports. It's a shame Atari didn't give it ithe funding and attantion it deserved.


Let us all have the instructions if you get one up and running please


I'll ask him to draw a diagram. He basically just wired the thing folowing the circuit diagram on a stock flex circuit from a 5200 controller, with a few modifications. He always starts projects and leaves them half finished. I'll see if I can't motivate hom to finish this one and get me some pics for all of you.

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That's great, thanks for putting those up. While I really don't mind the 5200 controllers, I do agree with most of your reviews. The 5200's is my favorite home port of Pac Man, and Moon Patrol is excellent. I never liked Kangaroo on the 5200, though, perhaps I'll give it another shot if it comes around on the HSC.

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Really, is it that hard to make a website which hasn't got its width fixed to a certain resolution?


It's a lot less trouble to keep the width fixed. If you don't, your web site turns into a box of chocolates... you never know what you're going to get, and it's usually pretty nasty.


Also, Sly, I'm surprised you like Galaxian. The graphics are so chunky, and I hate the raspy sound effects! It seems more like a 2600 game than the actual 2600 version! The analog control is also kind of annoying... if you're playing the game with a digital controller or an adapter, you zip around the screen at crazy speeds, making the game play as bad as it looks.

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I started reading the first few paragraphs and found it very interesting, then I read the thread and it feels like a true let down system. Obviously I come from a slightly different generation of gamers, I was born in 1984 when the 5200 "failed." Playing the games I currently have I'm quite happy with the purchases and strictly look at the gameplay, not how Coleco or Intelly were doing with their ports. Of course I've had the pleasure to play a few of my current games on arcades and yes, they are below par but this is a home console and personally, if the concept sticks then it's good. I'm not saying you're views and opinion are bad just it's funny to read different analized perspectives. I plan on writing up some reviews at some point on my games and as I expand my PAM library, til then I'll continue reading your webpage at this time. Kudos.

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If you've read the Atari 2600 section of my site and wondered where the heck the 5200 coverage was, well, you're in luck!




Submitted for your browsing pleasure are eight new Atari 5200 game reviews, along with a brief history of the system, MY history with the system, technical specifications, and a list of the best and worst software the system has to offer. Feel free to give it a look!


i like your site. however, i disagree with your review on joust. if you remember when this first came out, this was the best version around (only?). half your gripe is the controllers, but if your controllers work or they're rebuilt, the stock controllers work well.


while the graphics aren't the best, the gameplay (i.e., waves, levels) and sound are mint. this is a solid translation for a great system.


people that complain about the 5200 controllers have bad ones. if they do have functional controllers, they never grew up with the 5200. till this day, i find when working, the 5200 controllers one of my favorite controllers just because i'm used to them....

Edited by phuzaxeman
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i like your site. however, i disagree with your review on joust. if you remember when this first came out, this was the best version around (only?). half your gripe is the controllers, but if your controllers work or they're rebuilt, the stock controllers work well.


while the graphics aren't the best, the gameplay (i.e., waves, levels) and sound are mint. this is a solid translation for a great system.


See Jess? I told you I wasn't crazy :evil:


Although, in fairness to Jess, I must say I have upped my score of 5200 Kangaroo. I went back and compared the two games and discovered that, while I still think Joust is very good, that Kangaroo is much better than I remembered. Sure, some of the jumps are evil, but it plays well, has a lot of variety, and is fairly fun.


That's what I like about reviews. They make you go back and play 'The Stack'. Sometimes, you end up finding a favorite in a game you just glanced over. :)

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If you want to see 5200 Q*bert really shine, play it with a 7800 Redemption adapter and a 2600 joystick. Using this combination, your 5200 will think the fire button is down all the time, so you can play Q*bert properly. With an FB2 stick, I've made it to level 6.


Using a two-button 7800 stick requires you to hold down the left button, so a 2600 is the way to go.

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Q*bert 5200: I always just held the button in and pressed the diagonal direction - no problems whatsoever. When I wanted to stop near the edge,I let go of the button. I think it is a fantastic game. Once you get to level 5 it goes to double-speed. I think I got to about level 9 before. Great fun, totally disagree on the low review. But it's cool to see new 5200 reviews.

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However, the 5200 would get another shot at fame when it would be resurrected as the XEGS in 1987.

That's not really accurate...you should just say that the Atari 8-bit technology was resurrected as the XEGS.


The game's shabby graphics- as grungy as the rotting corpse of Kurt Cobain...

Cobain was cremated.


Other than that, nice reviews. ;)

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Hey, Cafeman... since we're talking about 5200 game reviews, I've got a comment on one of yours. You made this observation in your Moon Patrol review...


"Moon Patrol seems nothing like the typical Williams games of the day, like Defender, Stargate, or Robotron. Although Moon Patrol also contains constant action, its in a more laid-back form than in those other more frantic Williams games."


Well, there's a reason for that! Moon Patrol wasn't designed by Williams or the Vid Kidz... it was created by Irem, the Japanese company better known for its work on R-Type. By the way, if you've got a cell phone and you're getting frustrated by the lack of good games available for it, download Moon Patrol EX. It's an even better conversion than the 5200 version, with nearly arcade-perfect graphics and the option to play an enhanced mode with more detail and the addition of power-ups. I've got eight cell phone games, and this is the only one I bother to play.


Pingvin: Yeah, I was reaching when I compared the 5200 to the XEGS. I probably should have added a qualifier, like "spiritual successor" or something to that effect. As for Kurt Cobain, now you're just reaching!

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