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What is wrong with my Tapper?


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I insert the cartridge, flip the power switch, the normal demo mode loads in and plays. Then I start a game (either with the RESET switch or the red button. The first Western bar loads in, and IMMEDIATELY (before any patrons appear) I hear the sound of a glass breaking, my bartender appears in his start position, and the game locks up.

Furthermore, if I turn the game off and then back on (a single FRY if you will), the game immediately locks up, displaying the first Western bar, with the same sound of the glass breaking, my barkeep is still there, but this time there is a black cowboy located right above each beer tap. If you attempt to start a new game, you get the exact same thing.


The contacts are clean as a whistle, no other game behaves this way. I've cleaned the cart slot and the cart itself. By all rights this game should work, but instead it goes nuts (and NO Scott, its not the woodgrain, this also happens on my all black 4 switch! :D )


Anybody know what is going on here?

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  • 1 year later...

Turns out nothing was wrong with my Tapper I guess!


I stopped using the 4 switch woodgrain and started using a 6 switch and now Tapper plays fine! Stupid obsolete technology!! :D :D


Maybe it was a 4-switch glitch? Is that even possible? Maybe I'm just nuts.


Oh well, just wanted to update that, in case anyone else ever has a similar problem. Go back to whatever you were doing. :)




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My copy of Tapper is glitchy..but only after playing a few rounds.


Stan, did you notice that when you get to the 3rd or 4th round after the little guy shakes Mountain Dew cans, that the patrons at the bar move so fast that you can't serve them in time. This might be a glitch or something. I started a thread about Tapper in this forum but I dunno if it's still around.


I love Tapper but I can't figure out why it acts the way it does.

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Man.. I wanna tapper cart! it wont run on my unmodified super charger..


The Arcade version pretty fun too.. I wanna modify the graphics on the original to substitute the Bud Logo for a Legend Logo :D and replace the characters in the game to little represntations of the more.. colorful regulars...

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Well, after you work the first round of all 4 bars, the difficulty ramps like crazy. By the time you get to the Jock bar, you had best be on your toes. The good news is that the difficulty ramps more steadily after that and tops out soon there after.


I love Tapper, its very challenging and requires some real skill! :) :)



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I dunno if I mentioned it before, but is it a glitch when the patrons move so fast even after refusing beers? They do refuse beers, which causes the patrons ahead of them to move closer to the edge. Do you know if this is some kind of glitch?

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Its not that they are refusing drinks, they are returning the empties. As such, they want more drinks and push closer to you the barkeep.


Not a glitch as far as I know, just difficulty ramping in its own way I suppose.


:) :spidey:

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Well I've noticed that the faster you play, the better you score. It's the perfect game for me to test my reflexes with. I've just never been able to get past the 4th stage..being if it's the one right after the little guys shakes up the can of soda.

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In Tapper, you play four different bars.


2 shifts in the Wester Saloon

3 shifts in the Jock Bar (green background)

3 shifts in the Punk Bar (looks a lot like the Western Saloon)

and 3 shifts (maybe 4?) in the Space Bar (black background)


Between each set of bar shifts, the Soda Bandit plays the shell game with you for a prize of something like 5K.

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