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7800 monthly challanges


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Hey, so if the HSC doesn't start this season, I was wondering if anyone would like to have monthly challanges here. Like we could just post a monthly themed pair of games at the start of the month and see who had the highest scores by the end. So for October we could have, say, Midnight Mutants and Pacman (there are ghost monsters). November could be Foodfight and Beef Drop because of U.S. thanksgiving. Etc. Would anyone be interested in posting scores to something like that?

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Hey, so if the HSC doesn't start this season, I was wondering if anyone would like to have monthly challanges here. Like we could just post a monthly themed pair of games at the start of the month and see who had the highest scores by the end. So for October we could have, say, Midnight Mutants and Pacman (there are ghost monsters). November could be Foodfight and Beef Drop because of U.S. thanksgiving. Etc. Would anyone be interested in posting scores to something like that?


I'd submit scores now and then sure!

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Go for it, guys, and I may post a score or two. I won't have time to manage the HSC this season, with trying to move two households together and do some other things on top of that.

Yeah, your statement you can't do it is why I came up with this idea. I don't think I can handle a full HSC either, as I may have another move for another job coming up soon, and my new job takes a lot of time and energy, so I don't think I could manage anything weekly. Still, if everyone's game, I'll have one up on October 1st. I may throw a non-themed game in the mix every month too, just to make sure there's something more common every month (like adding Galaga during the Halloween theme).


Anyone have any other suggestions for the Halloween theme? For that matter, anyone have any suggestions for another way they'd like to see this done?

Edited by Atarifever
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I'm not sure.....


I say we play Food Fight up until then.......maybe give us time to make up our minds. ;)


I'm all for Galaga Month for October.


I only have about 10-12 7800 games so I'd have to emulate the rest, which is the pits. :|


Lets see what I got (from memory): Food Fight, Joust, Galaga, PP II, Centipede, Tower Toppler, Xevious, Donkey Kong, DK Jr., Robotron 2084, Dig Dug

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Midnight Mutants and Dark Chambers would go along with the halloween theme. For Dark Chambers, high scores would count, and for midnight mutants, maybe we'd see who could beat it the quickest or get the farthest if no one beats it.

Great idea; I didn't even think of Dark Chambers. I believe Midnight Mutants has a score, so we'd just have to agree, like the NES HSC, that we won't leech by killing the same enemies over and over again. I imagine I'm not the only one who can finish it, so it'd have to be time if we don't do score. I'm not opposed to a fastest completion challange; in fact, it'd be fun.

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Lets see what I got (from memory): Food Fight, Joust, Galaga, PP II, Centipede, Tower Toppler, Xevious, Donkey Kong, DK Jr., Robotron 2084, Dig Dug


That's why I thought it'd be a good idea to include a common arcade game every month. We'd have PP2, Xevious, Centipede, Joust, Dig Dug, Dk, DK. Jr., etc in different months. Most everyone has those.


Also, I'll have a loose copy of Joust just as soon as my new boxed copy arrives, so if anyone needs that the month we play it, I'll likely be able to hook them up, free of charge.

Edited by Atarifever
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Since the Scrapyard Dog maps are available, it would be cool to have a challenge with that game for a month.

I'd recommend a "bonus" rule. If you find a secret that's not listed on the maps, you get an extra 100,000 points (it's a high number, but I'm pretty dang sure we caught them all).



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Since the Scrapyard Dog maps are available, it would be cool to have a challenge with that game for a month.

I'd recommend a "bonus" rule. If you find a secret that's not listed on the maps, you get an extra 100,000 points (it's a high number, but I'm pretty dang sure we caught them all).



Maybe I'll make it April because of the joke Mr. Big plays on you. I could add Possible Mission that month too because of the April Fools joke Atari played with the NTSC release.

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