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Q about ebay seller with video cables

Brian R.

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Anyone know anything about this ebay seller - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...A:IT&ih=017


I'm thinking if this is good, I could use one of those cables for a 5200. I got a new motherboard, but a ratty old cable, and because the plug inside the unit is "specialized," you can't just use one off the shelf from Radio Shack or something.

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I've got a few of these lying around from consoles that I've A/V modded. One is even from a 5200, but all are genuine Atari. They look and work just fine. For a fellow classic gamer in need, I'd let them go for $5/each shipped. PM me if you're interested in one.


Thanks for the offer, but the appeal of this for me was getting a minty new one - or at least as minty as old stock gets. In fact, I just went and ordered one. Kind of a "what the hell" purchase.


I've been buying so much Atari stuff off eBay lately, and here, that I'm surprised the post office hasn't started opening the frequent boxes I'm getting to make sure I'm not importing drugs or something. ;) And I'm sure the boxes marked with "Atari" has him doing a doubletake. ... but I'm sure postal carriers see all sorts of interesting things...


Anywho, most of what I've been buying has been 8 bit carts to build up my inventory there. But I've bought so much, the guy selling the cables left me feedback making a note of how much I love classic games!


What's even more amazing is he left the feedback immediately after I did a BIN and paid. Shocker!

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