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What other sound chips could the 7800 use?

A Sprite

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Is it just limited to Pokey, or could someone make a homebrew with a Z80, SID, etc?


I asked the same question a few months ago, and you pretty much can, so long as you create the right board and make sure the programming's solid. BTW, the Z80 isn't a sound chip, it's a CPU.


Thanks for the correction. I misunderstood the way in which it was put to use in the Megadrive.

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That's interesting, given how some game systems and arcade machines actually used a Z80 for additional sound effects.

The Z80 is usually used in conjunction with a sound chip. That way the main program on the main CPUs can just send a message via some means to the Z80 program saying for instance "Play Sound Number 12" and let the z80 program handle playing the notes, sound priorities, any digital sounds effects, etc.

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Here's a crazy idea, how about no worries about hypothetical situations of using alternate chips and custom boards that will never get made anyway* and just work with what if avalible for the 7800 and get down to some coding? :ponder:




* won't be made by 99 percent of folks.

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