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gyruss review


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I'll quickly chime in and say I spent 30 minutes on Gyruss and couldn't get a solid control down. It was a true struggle even after looking at my manual and whatnot. One day I'll stick some extra time into it and see if I eventually get a handle on it, til then though I must say it's difficult and ruins some possibly good gameplay. The graphics, speed and other elements are up to par though.



About Galaxian, it's awesome and works really well but is best with auto-centering. There is slowdown when you get deeper into the game but it's kinda required to dodge all of the crap.

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Those of you having trouble with Gyruss shoud try the Comp Pro controller. Though I truly have no problems with the stock controllers on Gyruss, I find the Comp Pro does work better. I wonder if those of you having problems with Gyruss and the stock controller (and with Galaxian) need to adjust the controller pot inside the unit. I did mine mostly to help a friend who was having trouble with his controllers so I adjusted mine so as to set the controllers just right. Just a thought.

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Don't you guys remember the way this game played in the arcades? I picked up Gyruss from eBay a couple of days ago, and just got around to popping it into my system. It's got exactly the same control scheme as the coin-op version... you roll the joystick in one of eight directions to move to that corner of the screen. It's probably cumbersome with the stock joystick, but I've abandoned that for a PC joypad over a month ago and have never looked back. With the right controller, the game plays just like the arcade game. The Video Game Critic must have been drunk on the Haterade when he wrote that review, because he's 100% wrong.

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Don't you guys remember the way this game played in the arcades? I picked up Gyruss from eBay a couple of days ago, and just got around to popping it into my system. It's got exactly the same control scheme as the coin-op version... you roll the joystick in one of eight directions to move to that corner of the screen. It's probably cumbersome with the stock joystick, but I've abandoned that for a PC joypad over a month ago and have never looked back. With the right controller, the game plays just like the arcade game. The Video Game Critic must have been drunk on the Haterade when he wrote that review, because he's 100% wrong.

The graphics look awfully chunky, with ships that look more like shapeless blobs. I could cut the graphics some slack had the gameplay been on target, but Gyruss suffers from abominable controls. I thought my controller was malfunctioning, but in fact it's the game that's really broken! You need to wrestle the joystick to guide your ship, and when centered at the bottom of the screen it's impossible to move right! If you want to get to the other side, you'll need to go all the way around the top! Unreal!


This was taken from the actual review from VGC. Sounds like he is right on the money. With the redemption and an Epyx 500 stick it is playable. All his reviews are assuming you are using the stock controllers which should be used as speed bumps!!

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Dude have you actually PLAYED a 5200 (or a Jag)? Or are you just somehow related to/affiliated with VGC?

I can't help but notice you've been a parrot to his opinions both here and in the Jag forum.

Nobodys drinking "5200 kool-aid". Some people have learned how to use the controllers (for both systems) and can actually enjoy the games. Not hard to grasp is it?

Edited by jetset
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The problem that some of us have with the stock controller on Gyruss goes beyond simply learning how to use them. I'm here to tell you that for some of us Gyruss just doesn't work at all with the stock controllers, so please cut us some slack. I don't know why they don't. I've tried everything I can think of to make them work, but they won't. The control is exactly as VGC describes.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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The problem that some of us have with the stock controller on Gyruss goes beyond simply learning how to use them. I'm here to tell you that for some of us Gyruss just doesn't work at all with the stock controllers, so please cut us some slack. I don't know why they don't. I've tried everything I can think of to make them work, but they won't. The control is exactly as VGC describes.

But thats where it's pure opinion. The control "for some" is exactly as VGC describes. For some of us it's not. Also as I mentioned, the controller pot inside your unit may need adjusting. Remember these are 20+ year old consoles and many have changed hands multiple times banging around in a cardboard box shipping from one owner to another.

Really, when same game with same controller(s) works fine for some but is a chore for others, it's one of two things. Either it's an individual thing where you just aren't adapting to the controllers (not meaning that to sound rough), or the controller is bad or the system needs adjusting.

Or there's a 3rd possibility, which I don't mean you or anyone in particular (the exception being the VGC himself), which is someone who's not actualy played the game and is just hearing 2nd hand that it's bad and that's that.

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Nobodys drinking "5200 kool-aid". Some people have learned how to use the controllers (for both systems) and can actually enjoy the games. Not hard to grasp is it?


And some people can actually enjoy the games with better controllers!


By the way, anyone else want some of this Sharkleberry Grape?

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I don't see how it's a matter of opinion. VGC's opinions have nothing do with the fact that for me this game does not work with the stock controller. You can take issue wish with whatever else he has to say, but it's an unequivocal fact that for some of us this game behaves exactly as VGC describes with a stock controller. Yes, I understand that some of you do not suffer this problem. Lucky you. But that doesn't alter the reality of what others are experiencing.


I guess I can't speak for VGC's 5200 setup, but as for myself, as I've already mentioned, I've done everything I can think of in an attempt to make the controllers function properly when playing this game. The pots in all three of my consoles are dialed into the factory specifications as indicated in the service manual. I've tried all six of my rebuilt controllers and all of them perform just as VGC describes with this game, yet they function perfectly well with every other game I have. Clearly, there must be some other factor in operation here.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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I like VGC, but his review of Gyruss is just wrong. The control has a slight learning curve, but is not broken. This was a very good port of the arcade game and the control scheme is ripped right from that.


VGC has a tendency to have little patience in learning the controls for many games, and Gyruss is one example.

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Dude have you actually PLAYED a 5200 (or a Jag)? Or are you just somehow related to/affiliated with VGC?

I can't help but notice you've been a parrot to his opinions both here and in the Jag forum.

Nobodys drinking "5200 kool-aid". Some people have learned how to use the controllers (for both systems) and can actually enjoy the games. Not hard to grasp is it?

Yes I have played both systems. No affiliation. Not a parrot. Yes you are drinking Kool-aid, 5200 CONTROLLER Kool-aid. Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion, there's no reason to insult. Some of you act like the stock controllers are your first born. In my opinion there are so many great alternatives to the 5200 speed bumps out there. I think there is a reason why so many companies went into business making after-market controllers,repair kits and adaptors that are collectors items for the 5200. Lighten up fanboy and learn to live with the truth that there is definitely something wrong with the stock controllers and not with the people using them. :cool:

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Ditch the standard controllers and step up to a Wico Command Control or an adapter, man! It's the 21st century. Why settle for anything but the best?

AMEN!!! How about the Redemption and the Sega 6-button? How about we start a new forum and call 5200 stock controller Alternatives? We could also discuss new uses for the 5200 speed bumps. We could use them as wheel chocks.

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I don't see how it's a matter of opinion. VGC's opinions have nothing do with the fact that for me this game does not work with the stock controller. You can take issue wish with whatever else he has to say, but it's an unequivocal fact that for some of us this game behaves exactly as VGC describes with a stock controller. Yes, I understand that some of you do not suffer this problem. Lucky you. But that doesn't alter the reality of what others are experiencing.


I guess I can't speak for VGC's 5200 setup, but as for myself, as I've already mentioned, I've done everything I can think of in an attempt to make the controllers function properly when playing this game. The pots in all three of my consoles are dialed into the factory specifications as indicated in the service manual. I've tried all six of my rebuilt controllers and all of them perform just as VGC describes with this game, yet they function perfectly well with every other game I have. Clearly, there must be some other factor in operation here.

Be careful. If you agree with the VGC too often you might be labeled.

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I don't see how it's a matter of opinion. VGC's opinions have nothing do with the fact that for me this game does not work with the stock controller. You can take issue wish with whatever else he has to say, but it's an unequivocal fact that for some of us this game behaves exactly as VGC describes with a stock controller. Yes, I understand that some of you do not suffer this problem. Lucky you. But that doesn't alter the reality of what others are experiencing.


I guess I can't speak for VGC's 5200 setup, but as for myself, as I've already mentioned, I've done everything I can think of in an attempt to make the controllers function properly when playing this game. The pots in all three of my consoles are dialed into the factory specifications as indicated in the service manual. I've tried all six of my rebuilt controllers and all of them perform just as VGC describes with this game, yet they function perfectly well with every other game I have. Clearly, there must be some other factor in operation here.

Be careful. If you agree with the VGC too often you might be labeled.

I experience the same problem VGC does with the stock controller on this game and I believe that I have demonstrated that there is no statistical evidence to support the claim that he has an anti-5200 bias. Beyond that, I don't necessarily agree with VGC on this or any other review. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. In neither instance do I particularly care because his reviews amount to just one person's opinion, and opinions vary.
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Dude have you actually PLAYED a 5200 (or a Jag)? Or are you just somehow related to/affiliated with VGC?

I can't help but notice you've been a parrot to his opinions both here and in the Jag forum.

Nobodys drinking "5200 kool-aid". Some people have learned how to use the controllers (for both systems) and can actually enjoy the games. Not hard to grasp is it?

Yes I have played both systems. No affiliation. Not a parrot. Yes you are drinking Kool-aid, 5200 CONTROLLER Kool-aid. Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion, there's no reason to insult. Some of you act like the stock controllers are your first born. In my opinion there are so many great alternatives to the 5200 speed bumps out there. I think there is a reason why so many companies went into business making after-market controllers,repair kits and adaptors that are collectors items for the 5200. Lighten up fanboy and learn to live with the truth that there is definitely something wrong with the stock controllers and not with the people using them. :cool:


I'm not insulting, just making an observation.

Talk about fanboy, even in the Jag forum as seen here in this post...


The Video Game Critic really sucks ass. His reviews are way off and don't really merit any real worth. The reason is because he never learns how to play the games. He just plays them for 10 minutes and tells you what he thinks the game should have been instead of what it actually is.


The dude's site is a complete joke. I don't agree with even 20% of what he says.



...you're bashing anyone not 110% in agreement with VGC You are so busy defending him you didn't even realize you were posting in the jag forum :roll: The guy you quoted not only was posting in the Jag forum, he never posted here about the 5200, so why is it he is drinking "5200 Kool-aid"?

Yep, I'm a 5200 fanboy. It was the best system of its era, stock controllers and all.

Haters begone.


5200 rulez, VGC is teh suck.


Oh and BTW...of the dozen or so ppl posting in this thread, most have no problems with the stock controllers, only a few do.

Just another one of those little observations. :cool:

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Dude have you actually PLAYED a 5200 (or a Jag)? Or are you just somehow related to/affiliated with VGC?

I can't help but notice you've been a parrot to his opinions both here and in the Jag forum.

Nobodys drinking "5200 kool-aid". Some people have learned how to use the controllers (for both systems) and can actually enjoy the games. Not hard to grasp is it?

Yes I have played both systems. No affiliation. Not a parrot. Yes you are drinking Kool-aid, 5200 CONTROLLER Kool-aid. Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion, there's no reason to insult. Some of you act like the stock controllers are your first born. In my opinion there are so many great alternatives to the 5200 speed bumps out there. I think there is a reason why so many companies went into business making after-market controllers,repair kits and adaptors that are collectors items for the 5200. Lighten up fanboy and learn to live with the truth that there is definitely something wrong with the stock controllers and not with the people using them. :cool:


I'm not insulting, just making an observation.

Talk about fanboy, even in the Jag forum as seen here in this post...


The Video Game Critic really sucks ass. His reviews are way off and don't really merit any real worth. The reason is because he never learns how to play the games. He just plays them for 10 minutes and tells you what he thinks the game should have been instead of what it actually is.


The dude's site is a complete joke. I don't agree with even 20% of what he says.



...you're bashing anyone not 110% in agreement with VGC You are so busy defending him you didn't even realize you were posting in the jag forum :roll: The guy you quoted not only was posting in the Jag forum, he never posted here about the 5200, so why is it he is drinking "5200 Kool-aid"?

Yep, I'm a 5200 fanboy. It was the best system of its era, stock controllers and all.

Haters begone.


5200 rulez, VGC is teh suck.


Oh and BTW...of the dozen or so ppl posting in this thread, most have no problems with the stock controllers, only a few do.

Just another one of those little observations. :cool:


The funny thing about the 5200 is that in my opinion it had the BEST controllers of all the systems it was competing with except the 2600, and even then it's arguable. So what was better? The Colecovision doorknobs with the action buttons on opposite sides? Give me a break. The Intellivision disk thingies? Come on. What else was there? The Vectrex was cool and had a decent controller, if you placed it on a flat surface, but even that was clunky. People have ridiculous hindsight. Yes, in the early 80's the video game industry was fairly new and companies were trying out new and strange controllers. All had strengths and weaknesses. Actually the biggest problem with the 5200 controllers were the fact that they broke, not that they sucked. It was their unreliability along with the unorthodox (for that time) analog setup that gave them their bad reputation.

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yeah when you compare the controllers to the rest that was out there, suddenly there not so bad. I would take a 5200 controller over Colecovision or Intellevision any day.


But lets pretend the 5200 was released by Nintendo. I bet the same people on this board would then hail the controller as a technological marvel.

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I don't see how it's a matter of opinion. VGC's opinions have nothing do with the fact that for me this game does not work with the stock controller. You can take issue wish with whatever else he has to say, but it's an unequivocal fact that for some of us this game behaves exactly as VGC describes with a stock controller. Yes, I understand that some of you do not suffer this problem. Lucky you. But that doesn't alter the reality of what others are experiencing.


I guess I can't speak for VGC's 5200 setup, but as for myself, as I've already mentioned, I've done everything I can think of in an attempt to make the controllers function properly when playing this game. The pots in all three of my consoles are dialed into the factory specifications as indicated in the service manual. I've tried all six of my rebuilt controllers and all of them perform just as VGC describes with this game, yet they function perfectly well with every other game I have. Clearly, there must be some other factor in operation here.


I've used this game with a Wico, the standard controllers, the 7800 Redemption as well.....I can honestly say the control sucks. Just sucks. And its a shame, because its one of my favorite 80's arcade games. Its actually a ton better on the 2600, though it looks like crap. I got so frustrated with it, that I ended up selling it, and for a loss no less.


Now Berzerk on the 5200 is just incredible.....and damn tough.

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and what's the deal with giving dreadnaught factor a poor rating? not even close. this a game that i feel is great too!

Second that vote for Dreadnaught! When I first had my 5200 back in 84 one of the first games I bought was Dreadnaught. My Mom used to love that and River Raid. Mom is gone, and those games have a very special meaning for me. Plus who can forget the first time your ship encounters the Dreadnaught? It was like the beginning of Star Wars..."Holy Crap, that's big!"

Oh, anyone wants a NIB River Raid let me know, I still have a dozen or so.

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yeah when you compare the controllers to the rest that was out there, suddenly there not so bad. I would take a 5200 controller over Colecovision or Intellevision any day.


But lets pretend the 5200 was released by Nintendo. I bet the same people on this board would then hail the controller as a technological marvel.


Bashing a new console in a thread about a twenty five year old console... that's just dirty pool.

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