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Is my 130XE upgraded in some way?


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I have an Atari 130XE whose keyboard has recently failed. I took it apart to try to clean the contacts and whilst the machine was apart I noticed that a row of the memory chips were all socketed and there were various wires running about the beast.


I got this machine on ebay maybe 5 years ago and never really used much. I am assuming there is some sort of memory upgrade done, or maybe its just really poor production quality from the Tramiel era.


Any Ideas?


Edited by Fletch
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I have an Atari 130XE whose keyboard has recently failed. I took it apart to try to clean the contacts and whilst the machine was apart I noticed that a row of the memory chips were all socketed and there were various wires running about the beast.

About 1,5 years ago I wrote a post describing how I went about repairing the keyboards on 2 of my friends' 130XE's. I recaptured it in the sticky at the top of the topiclist (http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=104583), take a look at post #7. Let us know if and how you managed to get the XE on its feet again.


I got this machine on ebay maybe 5 years ago and never really used much. I am assuming there is some sort of memory upgrade done, or maybe its just really poor production quality from the Tramiel era.

Although the Tramiel build quality is in a league of its own, this actually is a memory upgrade. It's a relatively easy-to-do 320Kb one, build guides are readily available on the net. It only involves a piggybacked LS158 (in the center of the picture), 8 DRAM's, some wiring and a resistor. And you'd have to know your way around with a soldering iron, of course...



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I ordered the new keyboard from Best Electronics today. After I get it installed I will give you an update. Is there a program I can use to test the memory upgrade?


Thanks again for all the information




Grab Xram from here, it seems to work great from what I've seen.



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I ordered the new keyboard from Best Electronics today. After I get it installed I will give you an update. Is there a program I can use to test the memory upgrade?


Thanks again for all the information




I also have a 130XE where the keyboard failed but another keyboard did not fix the problem as it seems like the connector on the motherboard had a problem. So I have been using the simulated keyboard:




If you find a similar issue, check that link out. That way you won't have to throw away the machine in case it's the connector on the motherboard or some other problem with chips on the motherboard.

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Well, I got the new Keyboard today and the install was painless. All the keys seem quite functional. The mythical ram upgrade seems a bit more of a mystery however.


I ran XRAM and it shows only 64K of extended RAM, not the 256K that I was expecting. I ran XRAM under an emulated system with 320K and the 256K did show.


It looks like the original 128K is still working however in the 130XE. Odd.





I ordered the new keyboard from Best Electronics today. After I get it installed I will give you an update. Is there a program I can use to test the memory upgrade?


Thanks again for all the information




Grab Xram from here, it seems to work great from what I've seen.



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Photoshop is a lovely tool



Is My 130xe upgraded in some way?




Oh yeah? I'd love it if you'd put some money where your mouth is.. Photoshop can do anything.. But so can a good machine shop, and a few brain cells.


I guess I photoshopped all this as well...






Hmm. Welp, Photoshop this....



By the way... How does that foot taste?

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Oh and for anyone who wants to know, the extra 4 function keys are 100% functional as 1200XL f1-f4 keys. The code is still in the rom of the later machines, they just removed the keys. So all you have to do is add the physical keys, and wire it to the keyboard matrix the way the 1200XL had it to begin with..


The extra LED is for hardisk access..




Ive actually added a Dual pokey board, attentuated stereo RCA audio outputs, RCA composite video output, and standard S-video jack since this pic was taken..

But you get the idea what the extra LED is for. :cool:

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Well, I am impressed. Very nice workmanship. I'm not sure I need to put a foot in my mouth, but I will give you kudos on a job well done.


As for flicking me the finger, I think its possible that someone pissed on your Corn Flakes this morning.


I hope the day gets better for you.





By the way. Anyone who wants to make a serious offer for this machine, it is for sale..


I have two 1200XL machines now with 130XE motherboards.. WHich I much prefer as the ultimate 130XE upgrade..

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Well, I am impressed. Very nice workmanship. I'm not sure I need to put a foot in my mouth, but I will give you kudos on a job well done.


As for flicking me the finger, I think its possible that someone pissed on your Corn Flakes this morning.


I hope the day gets better for you.





By the way. Anyone who wants to make a serious offer for this machine, it is for sale..


I have two 1200XL machines now with 130XE motherboards.. WHich I much prefer as the ultimate 130XE upgrade..


heheh. Maybe its just my degenerate upbringing..


The flickking the finger is not for you.. Its for society...


Its because I CAN..


Anywayze.. Im surprised anyone would question something as simple as fkeys, after all the crap beetle has done with nothing but saws, files, and super-glue.


A friend of mine actually precision cut pieces of 2 130xe cases for me on his bridgeport mill so I could glue them together like that. The keyboard mech, itself was my main feat... The cosmetics were mainly his doing.

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heheh. Maybe its just my degenerate upbringing..


The flickking the finger is not for you.. Its for society...


Its because I CAN..


Anywayze.. Im surprised anyone would question something as simple as fkeys, after all the crap beetle has done with nothing but saws, files, and super-glue.


I'm not sure he was questioning you directly. He has many less posts than you, and probably hasn't run into your upgringing yet in other posts.


It is a very fine job on the machine. Do you have pics of those 130XLs ?

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I'm not sure he was questioning you directly. He has many less posts than you, and probably hasn't run into your upgringing yet in other posts.


It is a very fine job on the machine. Do you have pics of those 130XLs ?


Yeah but none too glorious..


What I do have of interest is the wiring diagram for getting the 1200XL keyboard to work 100% with the XE.


Youve basically got 2 choices.


a) Remove the 4051 decoders from the 1200XL keyboard and adapt it to plug directly into the 130XE's keyboard header.


b) remove the 4051s from the 130xe and build a 1200XL style (less lines) keyboard header on the 130xe.


I chose option A for both of mine because my 130XE motherboards have ALOT of work in them getting them so prestine and perfect, and since the 1200XL keyboard cable is already on the WRONG side of the machine to plug into the XE, it needed to be rerouted or lengthened in any case.


ANywayze. I need to convert my "drawing" into something intelligible by the average tech, so I can upload it here. The 1200XL case SWALLOWS the little 130xe board and gives it plenty of room inside. and the keyboard is such a huge improvement over anything you can do with an XE keyboard, that I really think this mod has given me more satisfaction than anything else Ive ever done with an ATARI. I could see myslef actually coding on these machines now.. Whereas before, any kind of extended typing would have to be done on the 800XL becuase the 130xe keyboard just doesnt have the feedback necessary for extended typing. The "XE touch/ST feel" kits make it a little better, but still nothing compared to tthe earlier XL series keys..

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Ok. Here's some pics of the 130XE in the 1200XL case.




I could probably be persuaded to build one of these for someone, but it wouldn't be cheap.

This requires quite a bit of cutting and fitting to get it decent.


I used a blank white piece of plastic to cover up the 1200XL cartridge hole.


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Hmm. Welp, Photoshop this....

LOL :lol: "Proof of Life"


I've touched this machine, so I can vouch it's not a Photoshop distortion.


Nice nail polish. ;)


Thank you for noticing.. I had it done just for the picture..


Oh wait.. Maybe I just photoshopped it on..


Actually, I got bored with one of those sliver touch-up paint pens at work last week...


Matches my ring rather well, don't you think?

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