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Why can't i copy and paste addresses on ebay....


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without it linking to a german page?


Here's an example:



It's not mine.


It's because of all of the temporarily generated html gobbledygook that shows up in the search format. The "permanently" functional part of the item's URL ends with the item number (in bold below), and from QQ on, that's residual code from the search you did (browser or time specific? I'm not sure, a real programmer could probably tell us).




So just knock off everything after the item number and your link will work!



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To be sure your links will work, copy the short version of the URL. This can be found on the Bid History or Ask Seller A Question page for the item (and possibly others) as the link that takes you back to the main description page, and will look something like this:

http ://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110178486387

(ignore the space after "http"; I added that so the AA software would not mess with the link by shortening it for display)

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while it's always best to post the URL of an eBay item that goes right to the item number directly, for people who don't care to take the extra step, they can just truncate the URL as I indicated - either method produces the same end result, I just took the time to explain why to Atarian7, although I again admit I'm not sure what the rest of the URL is for, being a fairly basic user of HTML, and a better programmer could no doubt explain why pretty quickly

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